Loka Asri Park is located in Sidoarjo (only 15-20 minutes from the Waru roundabout). It is a tourist attraction that carries an educational nature theme. The cool atmosphere is equipped with a swimming pool, hall, gazebo, gym area, open field, stage, farm, water bikes and paddle boats, fish therapy, and children's play area.
Ticket Price | Starting from AU$2.39. |
Opening Hours | 07:00-17:00. |
Address | Jl. Raya Sukolegok, RT.12/RW.04, Dusun Legok, Suko, Kec. Sukodono, Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur 61258, Indonesia. |
Public Facilities | Parking area,Restaurant,Praying room,Toilet |
Category | Attractions |