Poin negatif: 1. Waktu check in dibilang kalau wifinya ga ada. Padahal di traveloka jelas2 tertulis ada fasilitas wifi. Ketika saya protes, katanya"belum diupdate". Kocak banget. 2. Selimut ga bersih2 banget. Ada noda bercak. 3. Handuk dikasih cuma 1, padahal sudah tau kalau tamu lebih dari 1. Mungkin ini salah saya juga karena tidak (males) untuk nanya/minta lagi. Tetapi yang disediakan di kamar cuma 1. Poin positif: 1. Staff resepsionis ramah. 2. Lokasi strategis dan mudah dijangkau. 3. Parkir mobil enak.
I ordered for guests, and they complained. Towels were not available, and had to ask for them to be delivered and it took a long time, I had 2 guests but were only given 1 towel. When I complained to the receptionist. The response was not good, not friendly. The room is scary, looks like it's not well maintained. I regret it. I won't order there anymore. Once is enough. Thank You
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