OYO 90391 Gkitroom

From 42 verified guests reviews
In the Area
See Map
A, Grand Sentraland Apartment Tower A, Jalan Bharata Sukaharja, Wadas, Kec. Telukjambe Tim., Kabupaten Karawang, Jawa Barat, Karawang, Karawang Barat, Karawang, Jawa Barat, Indonesia, 41361

Main Facilities

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Swimming Pool
OYO 90391 Gkitroom is a hotel in a good neighborhood, which is located at West Karawang. WiFi is available within public areas of the property to help you to stay connected with family and friends.
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What's around OYO 90391 Gkitroom

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A, Grand Sentraland Apartment Tower A, Jalan Bharata Sukaharja, Wadas, Kec. Telukjambe Tim., Kabupaten Karawang, Jawa Barat, Karawang, Karawang Barat, Karawang, Jawa Barat, Indonesia, 41361
Lobby OYO 90391 Gkitroom
Lobby 2 OYO 90391 Gkitroom

Discover More About OYO 90391 Gkitroom


OYO 90391 Gkitroom is a hotel in a good neighborhood, which is located at West Karawang.

The hotel is located only 4.11 km away from Stasiun Karawang.

Not only well positioned, but OYO 90391 Gkitroom is also one of hotels near the following SMP Islam Pondok Pesantren Al-huda within 48.53 km and Lapangan Bola RRI within 46.34 km.

About OYO 90391 Gkitroom

Have an enjoyable and relaxing day at the pool, whether you’re traveling solo or with your loved ones.

WiFi is available within public areas of the property to help you to stay connected with family and friends.

OYO 90391 Gkitroom is a wise choice for travelers visiting West Karawang.

All facilities in OYO 90391 Gkitroom

Common Space OYO 90391 Gkitroom
Common Space
Lobby OYO 90391 Gkitroom
Exterior OYO 90391 Gkitroom
Bedroom OYO 90391 Gkitroom

Public Facilities

  • Parking
  • Elevator
  • WiFi in public area

In-room Facilities

  • Cable TV
  • Shower
  • TV

Nearby Facilities

  • Grocery
  • Shops
  • Supermarket

Things to Do

  • Garden
  • Outdoor pool


  • AC
  • Non-smoking room

Hotel Services

  • Front desk
  • Multilingual staff


  • Secure parking


  • Free WiFi


  • Accessible parking

Accommodation Policy & General Information in OYO 90391 Gkitroom

Important Note
Planning to check in outside the check-in time (such as early morning or late in the evening)? You can arrange it directly with the property!

Check-in/Check-out Time

14:00 - 23:59
01:00 - 12:00
Hotel policy is not yet available.

General Information

Popular Facilities
AC, Swimming Pool, Parking, Elevator, WiFi
Check-In / Check-Out Time
14:00 - 23:59 - 01:00 - 12:00
Available rooms at OYO 90391 Gkitroom
Another facilities in OYO 90391 Gkitroom
WiFi in public area, Cable TV, Shower, TV, Grocery

Frequently asked question in OYO 90391 Gkitroom

What are available facilities at OYO 90391 Gkitroom?
There are top facilites at OYO 90391 Gkitroom such as AC, Swimming Pool, Parking, Elevator, WiFi. (some may require extra charges)
What is normal check-in & check-out time at OYO 90391 Gkitroom?
The standard check-in time at OYO 90391 Gkitroom is starting from 14:00 - 23:59 while the latest check-out time is at 01:00 - 12:00

More Reviews from Other Guests in OYO 90391 Gkitroom

Overall Rating & Reviews

From 42 verified guests reviews
Very Good
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Intan K.
/ 10
17 Oct 2023
The building is gone, the application is still turned on. Stress.
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Santy M.
/ 10
24 Jan 2022
No tissue, no warm water but the rest is good 👍🏻.
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Grahita P. R.
This is a private profile
/ 10
04 Jan 2022
The ac is not cold even though it's number 16.
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Muhammad A. K.
/ 10
02 Dec 2021
Pretty comfortable, affordable prices.
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Nyndhea P. S.
This is a private profile
/ 10
24 Oct 2021
The check-in receptionist was friendly, the process was fast, put an ID card and deposit of 100 thousand, the room was clean, when I entered the room the lights went out but were quickly replaced, got toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo, towels, checkout deposit was returned intact. Very satisfied to get the epic sale price also 1 night for only 60 thousand. Thanks traveloka and oyo.
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Anastasia m. e. s. k.
/ 10
15 Jul 2021
The bed was dirty, there were lots of stains.
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Muhamad N. R.
/ 10
04 Oct 2022
Kekurangan. Ga ada alat mandi satupun, handuk juga ga ada. Akhirnya gua beli alat mandi di bawah dong (karena gue di lantai 12). Dan buat handuk gue akalin pake baju gue yang udah ga pake, bayangin juga handuk pake baju gimana. Jujur baru pertama kali si gue ke hotel ga dapet alat mandi. Cuma ada lampu di dekat pintu sama kamar mandi, jadi itu kamar kurang penerangan banget, bayangin aja gue mau belajar di meja belajar ga terang sama sekali, ada lampu belajar tapi ga bisa dipake. Dari sekian banyak colokan listrik, cuma 2 yang nyala, itupun yang didekat TV. TV ga nyala. Wifi ga nyala (padahal ini ada di fasilitas loh). Pas gue datang nunggu dulu tuh lumayan lama di kasir, karena yang mau nganterin gue ke kamar ngilang. Dan pas mau nganterin ke kamar, gue cuma dianterin di depan lift. Padahal harusnya gue dianterin dong sampai di depan kamar. Pas waktu gue masuk kamar, jujur gue shock. Gue kira ini kamar mati lampu. Itu sampe gue check muter-muter ko tetep ga nyala. Sampai gue penasaran check saklar listrik yang di kamar, ternyata memang dimatiin. Coba aja kalo gue bocah yang ga kepikiran kalau saklar listriknya dimatiin gimana. Waktu gue keluar balkon, anjir banyak tomcat shock banget. Pas gue check out, yang ada di kasir pada tidur dong. Gue sampe ngetok beberapa kali ga bangun-bangun. Btw kasir tempatnya pisah sama hotelnya. Jadi harus jalan dulu ke gedung sebelah. Jujur pas gue dateng juga dadakan muter dulu sambil nyari kasirnya di mana. Ga ada selimut, lo bayangin semaleman gue kedinginan karena gue lupa bawa jaket. Itu honest review dari gue, bukan maksud menjelek jelekan. Tapi ini emang fakta yang gue rasain. Semoga kritikan ini jadi akan menjadikan hotelnya jadi lebih baik.
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Wisnu A.
/ 10
20 Apr 2022
Staff baik, ramah & cekatan. Sayangnya fasilitas kamar sangat minim. Tidak disediakan air minum sama sekali, bahkan wifi juga tidak ada (padahal tertulis free wifi). Saat pertama kali masuk ruangan, bau pesing dari kamar mandi cukup menyengat. Sepertinya lupa dibersihkan.

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Intan K. A.
/ 10
05 Mar 2022
Pihak developer sebaiknya memperhatikan lebih teliti lagi tiap-tiap unitnya. Karena saya beberapa bulan yang lalu menginap di sini. Bersih enak nyaman banget. Maka dari itu saya perpanjang menginap beberapa hari pada waktu itu. Tapi sekarang. Setelah saya lihat begini kamarnya dan kamar mandinya kotor, banyak binatang seperti cacing warna hitam kecil di kamar mandi, buat saya itu sudah cukup buat saya kapok. Pelayanannya pun kurang ramah. Pekerja di lobby kurang kooperatif. Kami jadi sering tanya-tanya satpam karena bingung mau masuk ke pintu depan lift aja susah. Perlakukan semua customer itu sama. Saya di sini sama suami saya mau menginap lepas penat istirahat. Malah begini. Saya bicara seperti ini karena saya bukan pengguna baru dalam hal check in hotel. Untuk harga segini. So not worth it sih. Karena masih banyak hotel yang bersih dengan rate segitu.
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Review photo of OYO 90391 Gkitroom from Intan K.
Review photo of OYO 90391 Gkitroom 2 from Intan K.
Review photo of OYO 90391 Gkitroom 3 from Intan K.

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Exterior 4 OYO 90391 Gkitroom


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