Bandung is not only famous for its factory outlets and instagrammable cafes, but also for its natural beauty. One of the most popular places to visit being Mount Tangkuban Perahu. So what exactly makes Tangkuban Perahu worth the visit?
Once upon a time there was a boy named Sangkuriang. He made a grave mistake and he was hit by his mom, Dayang Sumbi, so hard that he lost his memory. He ran into the the forest and grew into a handsome man. Upon returning to the village he met a beautiful woman that he fell in love with and planned to marry, not knowing that she was his own mother. Upon realizing this, Dayang Sumbi came up with a request that is impossible for Sangkuriang to finish if he were to marry her.
Dayang Sumbi meminta Sangkuriang untuk membuatkan danau yang dapat menutupi bukit-bukit, dan perahu untuk mengarunginya, semua hanya dalam 1 malam. Sangkuriang menyanggupi dan memanggil jin-jin hutan untuk membantunya. Resah melihat hal ini, Dayang Sumbi mengecoh jin dan membuat ayam berkokok sebelum fajar tiba. Dipenuhi amarah, Sangkuriang pun menendang perahu buatannya dan jadilah apa yang kini kita sebut dengan Gunung Tangkuban Perahu. Hingga kini, wisatawan tertarik untuk datang dan melihat apakah benar bentuk gunung ini sesuai dengan namanya.
Dayang Sumbi requested that Sangkuriang create a lake that covers the hills and construct a boat to sail through it, all within one night. Sangkuriang agreed and asked his supernatural friends to help him fulfill the request. Fearing that Sangkuriang might actually complete the request, Dayang Sumbi made the roosters crow before sunrise and trick Sangkuriang into believing that the night was over. Sangkuriang became furious and kicked the boat he had created. The boat became the mountain that we all know today. Until this day, tourists flock to the mountain and see if the mountain really look like an upside-down boat.
Tangkuban Perahu is an active volcano which possesses numerous amazing craters. The pungent smell of sulfur seems to do little to deter tourists from visiting the mountain and enjoying the view it offers
There are three craters that you can visit in Tangkuban Perahu:
Tangkuban Perahu Bandung - 1 Day Tour
Starts from Rp 276.000