The most popular landmarks in Kedewatan are D Mantra House of Yoga & Healing, Warung Kayana Pork Ribs, Taman Dedari, Kubu at Mandapa, Naka Contemporary Art
How many hotels are listed in Kedewatan?
Currently, there are around 121 hotels that you can book in Kedewatan
Guest reviews in hotel near Kedewatan
7,442 reviews from hotels in Kedewatan with aggregated rating of 8.7/10.
Review from various users that have stayed in hotel near Kedewatan will help you to choose the perfect hotel easily!
The photos in the “villa, 1 bedroom, 1 pool” is not the same with the real room. You will not have a rice paddies view behind your pool. The real room is not different if you’re paying for a <$90 villa. Not worth it. Last is its so far away from the main road. And you need to use a golf car to go there. The road to the villa is super scary as well in the dark. Also they didn’t notify us that we need to call them first to get the golf car thus we walked with our luggages to the villa. And the road is obviously that smooth at all. And you need to call for the golf car service which sometimes doesn’t answer your call on time.
Our brief stay in Kupu kupu Barong was a disappointment. A magnificent location wasted, our room in a concrete block around a miserable pool and no real view beyond. You could only see a tiny bit of the magnificent river from ' La View ' restaurant. For a hotel charging these prices I would expect better condition and environment.