The most popular landmarks in Rappocini are Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan UNM, Klinik Unismuh Medical Centre | Klinik Gigi | Klinik USG Kehamilan | Klinik Umum, Black Canyon Coffee, HERTASNING CELL, Gowa
How many hotels are listed in Rappocini?
Currently, there are around 52 hotels that you can book in Rappocini
Guest reviews in hotel near Rappocini
11,910 reviews from hotels in Rappocini with aggregated rating of 8.5/10.
Review from various users that have stayed in hotel near Rappocini will help you to choose the perfect hotel easily!
The whole place is very shabby and not particularly well cleaned. No WiFi available. First room had a lot of water on the floor, and they willingly gave us a different room. Unfortunately water came into that room around the window when it rained. Wouldn't stay here again.
I booked from OTA and the receptionist said if you book from OTA check in time strickly will be at 2pm even if the room was ready. However, if you book direct to the hotel you can check in when ever you want. I don't know why! Really tired after 5 hours flight and it happens to me.
I thought the wall was a little bit dirty and no wall between your bed and the toilet. And they should decrease their voice cause that's so disturbing.