COCKROACH INFESTED AND ROOM SMELLS LIKE BLACK MOLD. I’m not exaggerating, we have photos & look at all the reviews. ROACHES RUN THIS HOTEL. The roaches literally have more control than the management. The roaches choose where to sleep and eat, & get to stay there for free while the guests are ran off because the room reeks of mold/mildew and is infested with cockroaches. Management/owners defend the roaches, refusing to call an exterminator after the 100+ bad reviews about the roach infestation. Guests pay the hotel to be ran & roaches are the only ones staying there, humans & animals can not stay in these conditions
I should have read the reviews prior to booking, & of course it’s a cheap hotel but it should still be clean! EVERY REVIEW on here is 1 or 2 stars & has photos of the roach infestation this hotel has! Why, as management, if you have had customers inform you about the roach issue for MONTHS why haven’t you called an exterminator?! Why are you leaving the roaches to populate more?!
We checked in & only stayed for 45 minutes before having to leave due to seeing COUNTLESS ROACHES! Big roaches, small roaches, in every inch of the room. A mother roach literally was sitting with 2 babies under the alarm clock. We showed the front desk clerk photos. The room reeked of mildew and mold.
Management then had the audacity to refuse a refund, we then had to contact corporate for the refund and to report the hotel.
The front desk clerk was nice, & corporate was helpful, but THIS HOTEL MANAGER & OWNER PROVIDE THIS HOTEL FOR ROACHES ONLY. NOT HUMANS.
Management is DIRTY & DISGUSTING for being content hosting a hotel with a roach infestation!