— Important Information —
Route Da Nang – Hue
- Morning: departs at 07:50 and arrives at 11:10
- Afternoon: departs at 14:50 and arrives at 17:50
Route Hue – Da Nang
- Morning: departs at 07:35 and arrives at 10:30
- Afternoon: departs at 14:25 and arrives at 18:00
The train arrival time to Hue/ Da Nang can change depending on the actual situation, waiting to avoid other trains on the way, so the average train travel time ranges from 3.5 - 4 hours.
Community carriage - where passenger can enjoy several activitie related to local, culture art and cuisine
The passenger carriages equipped with full amenities such as soft seat, air conditioner, phone charging station and wifi network
Train station in Hue
Overview of train through out Hai Van Pass