Not only well positioned, but OYO 92757 Ndalem Pusponyidro Syariah is also one of hotels near the following Masjid Al-Hikmah within 32.63 km and Sangiran Early Man Site within 42.29 km.
WiFi is available within public areas of the property to help you to stay connected with family and friends.
OYO 92757 Ndalem Pusponyidro Syariah is a hotel with great comfort and excellent service according to most hotel's guests.
OYO 92757 Ndalem Pusponyidro Syariah is a wise choice for travelers visiting Central Klaten.
Popular Facilities | AC, Parking, WiFi |
Check-In / Check-Out Time | 14:00 - 23:59 - 12:00 - 12:00 |
Available rooms at OYO 92757 Ndalem Pusponyidro Syariah | 10 |
Another facilities in OYO 92757 Ndalem Pusponyidro Syariah | Room service, WiFi in public area, Non-smoking room, Desk, Shower |