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Situated between the city of Yogyakarta and Magelang regency, Sleman regency is an area that has no beach destination in Yogyakarta Province. Even so, this regency still offers numerous tourists’ attraction that is as beautiful and exciting as the other area in Yogyakarta. Sleman regency is renowned as the home to some temples, like Prambanan, Ratu Boko, Sari, Kalasan, and Ijo. Aside from that, there are also museums like Monument Yogya Kembali, Gunung Merapi Museum, and Dirgantara Mandala Museum that has a lot of historical value. Gunung Merapi Museum is the most visited destination as it is now an education center about disasters, like volcano, earthquake, etc. For its nature tourism, Sleman regency has a cliff that was built by the volcanic lava sediment thousand years ago, named Breksi Cliff. Located in Groyokan Village, Breksi Cliff is one of the nine geo-heritage defined by the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM).

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