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16 Jun 2024 - 8 min read

From Matcha to Okaki: The 8 Best Food Souvenirs from Japan

Japan has a wealth of tasty and unusual culinary souvenirs that are ideal for bringing home. Here are some popular alternatives, along with where to locate them, travel schedules, and what makes them unique.

1. Matcha Green Tea KitKats

Matcha Green Tea KitKats are a popular snack in Japan that combines traditional Japanese flavors with a familiar nibble. They feature rich, earthy scents and a creamy smoothness because of the use of high-quality matcha powder. They are famous in tourist hotspots such as Tokyo and Kyoto and are easily available in major cities. KitKats are not only practical but also make a fantastic gift or souvenir, wrapped in vibrant green with traditional Japanese imagery.

Matcha Green Tea KitKats

Matcha Green Tea KitKats are unusual in Japan because they blend matcha, a traditional Japanese green tea, with the classic KitKat chocolate bar. This combination results in a sweet and fragrant taste characteristic that sets the KitKat apart from other variants. The addition of matcha, a powdered green tea, lends the KitKat a distinct cultural and traditional flavor, making it a popular and iconic Japanese food.

The variety of matcha KitKats available in Japan, including varied levels of matcha strength and unique flavor combinations, highlights matcha's cultural significance in Japanese cuisine as well as the Japanese market's innovation. This makes Matcha Green Tea Kitkats one of the best food souvenirs from Japan.

2. Tokyo Banana

Tokyo Banana is a classic Japanese dessert recognized for its delicious sponge cake shell and rich banana custard cream interior. The company provides a wide range of tastes, including rich chocolate-infused fillings and fruity selections like strawberry and mango.

Tokyo Banana's package designs show their devotion to aesthetic perfection, with bright, eye-catching wraps featuring traditional Japanese patterns. The delicacies are readily available at souvenir shops around Tokyo, including Tokyo Station and large department stores, and make Tokyo Banana the best food souvenirs from Japan, which are perfect gifts for friends and family.

Tokyo Banana

The flavors and package designs cater to a wide range of preferences, including classics like banana, strawberry, matcha, and seasonal flavors. The box designs are diverse, including charming characters, seasonal themes, and limited-edition partnerships with well-known Japanese franchises. To make Tokyo Banana a must-try, travelers should plan their journey ahead of time, expect long lineups, and not miss out on limited-edition flavors and package designs.

3. Hokkaido Cheese

Hokkaido Cheese, Hokkaido, a northern Japanese prefecture, is well-known for its copious dairy products, especially cheese. The region's cheese is well regarded for its flavor and quality, making it a popular treat among visitors. The greatest assortment of Hokkaido cheese may be obtained in specialty cheese shops and supermarkets around Japan, but the best is available in Hokkaido itself.

Hokkaido's top ten cheeses include Fromage Blanc, Niseko Fromage, and Yutaka. Meiji Hokkaido Tokachi Cheese, a well-known Japanese producer, has received the Monde Selection gold award for the third year in a row.

Hokkaido Cheese

On the other hand, 85°C Bakery Cafe delivers a renowned cheese tart in Asia, as well as freshly baked cream pie puffs filled with Hokkaido milk cream and Salt & Camembert Cookies prepared with fresh Hokkaido milk and French Guérande salt, packed with camembert cheese chocolate. Popular types include Hokkaido camembert, Hokkaido gouda, and Hokkaido blue cheese.

Hokkaido Camembert, a soft, creamy cheese with a beautiful white rind, mixes traditional French cheese-making processes with local flavor.
Hokkaido Gouda's silky texture and nutty overtones appeal to cheese lovers.
Hokkaido Blue cheese, with its robust and nuanced flavor, is popular among experimental diners.

Hokkaido cheese is an excellent gift for your loved ones and is one of the best food souvenirs from Japan.

4. Wagashi

Wagashi, or traditional Japanese sweets, provides a gastronomic experience that mixes flavor and craftsmanship. These confections are painstakingly made to reflect the beauty of nature's seasons or invoke the allure of cultural emblems. They are more than simply sweets; they are a tribute to Japan's rich tradition and artistry.

Wagashiya, specialized sweet stores located across Japan's cities and villages, provide hidden treasures in every part of the country. The core of Japanese confectionary tradition is in Kyoto and Tokyo, but hidden jewels may be found across the country.


Traditional Japanese dessert confectionery cake wagashi or snow skin mooncake

Wagashi is a must-try and purchase, as it is one of the best Japanese food souvenirs that will transport you back to the Land of the Rising Sun. To immerse yourself in the world of wagashi, visit wagashiya, which are specialty sweet boutiques available across Japan.

Kyoto and Tokyo are especially well-known for their wagashiya, which provide a diverse selection of traditional sweets that reflect the ingenuity and artistry of Japanese confectionery.

Wagashi is unusual in its seasonality, with new tastes and patterns accessible all year. For example, in the spring, wagashi may be fashioned like cherry blossoms or have sweet bean paste, and in the summer, sweets scented with yuzu or boasting patterns inspired by Japanese summer festivities. In the fall, wagashi may center on seasonal fruits such as persimmon or chestnut, while in the winter, it may feature matcha-flavored sweets or patterns inspired by the Japanese New Year.

Tips for Buying Wagashi as a Souvenir

When buying wagashi as a keepsake, select seasonal types that reflect your trip to Japan. Many wagashiya provide variety packs, which let you sample numerous tastes and patterns before committing to a single piece.
Wagashi is frequently packed in gorgeous, ornate boxes or bags, making it ideal for presents or souvenirs from your vacation.
If you have questions about a sweet or want to learn more about its ingredients or production method, ask the store workers, who are typically eager to share their expertise and enthusiasm about wagashi.

5. Shiroi Koibito

Shiroi Koibito, a renowned Japanese culinary memento, is a combination of white chocolate and butter biscuits that originated in Sapporo, Hokkaido. The cookies are skillfully prepared using just the best ingredients, resulting in a rich and refined flavor. Shiroi Koibito is a wonderful keepsake that will make a lasting impact, whether you're visiting Hokkaido or simply wanting to see Japan.

Shiroi Koibito

The pile of Cookies Shiroi Koibito

Shiroi Koibito is widely accessible at gift stores and airports around Japan, but the original production and store in Sapporo, Hokkaido, are a must-see for food lovers. The travel to the region may take several hours by aircraft from big cities such as Tokyo or Osaka, but the experience is definitely worth it.

Shiroi Koibito provides a fantastic present for friends and family due to its unique flavor combination and look, and it is also one of the best Japanese food souvenirs. Their appealing packaging and delicate flavor make them a great souvenir that will be cherished for years.

6. Higashi

Higashi, or Japanese dry candy, is a traditional delicacy that has been popular for decades. These delicately designed snacks, made from rice flour, sugar, and water, are a must-have keepsake for anybody traveling to Japan. The dough is meticulously sculpted into animals, flowers, or geometric shapes before drying to produce a crispy, sweet snack. Making higashi demands a high level of talent and care, as seen by the elaborate patterns and subtle tastes of the finished product.


Colourful sugar Japanese Higashi sweets

Higashi may be found at a variety of souvenir shops and traditional Japanese confectionery stores in Japan, including YoshikiRI, Gift Keiseri Japanese Souvenir Ueno Station Store, JSS Souvenirs, and SuzuYA. These delights are more than simply sweets; they are culinary pieces of art that reflect centuries of tradition and invention. Higashi is created with precision and care using high-quality ingredients like rice flour, sugar, and natural flavorings like matcha (green tea), sakura (cherry blossom), and yuzu (citrus fruit).

Finding higashi as the best food souvenir from Japan is a journey in and of itself. Traditional candy businesses, known as wagashiya, may be found in old locations such as Kyoto's Gion and Tokyo's Asakusa, where they are elegantly displayed in wooden boxes or excellent packaging.

Department stores like Mitsukoshi, Takashimaya, and Isetan offer specialist sections that exhibit a range of artisanal higashi from well-known confectioners around Japan. Higashi designs are distinctive and seasonal, and specialty confectionery retailers regularly work with local craftspeople.

7. Koeido’s Halal-Certified Kibi-Dango

Koeido's halal-certified Kibi-dango is a tasty and traditional Japanese rice cake created from a combination of millet flour, sticky rice flour, and sugar. This traditional snack has been savored for decades and is a must-have for anybody interested in Japanese culinary heritage. The snack is described in old Japanese mythology, making it an intriguing and distinctive keepsake from Japan. Koeido has three types of Kibi-dango: basic for conventional tastes, and white peach and matcha for a sweet and refreshing variation.


Koeido’s Halal-Certified Kibi-Dango

Koeido's dedication to halal certification opens up its Kibi-dango to a larger audience by fulfilling the dietary guidelines of Muslims and those who follow halal practices. This makes Japanese cuisine and traditions accessible to all tourists while also considering their dietary demands.

Where to find:

Koeido serves halal-certified Kibi-dango at several locations around Japan, including its Tokyo branch, online shop, and café. The Tokyo office is open every day from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., and the online shop offers simple purchasing alternatives. Koeido's Cafe also provides Kibi Dango tastings.

Koeido's Kibi-dango is a delicious, authentic, and best Japanese food souvenir, perfect for anybody looking to bring a taste of Japan home. It's an excellent pick for foodies, history buffs, and those who appreciate Japan's unique cultural customs.

8. Okaki

Okaki, a traditional Japanese rice cracker, is a distinctive and original gift that appeals to both residents and visitors. Made from glutinous rice, it is meticulously polished, steamed, dried, then baked or fried to produce a crispy, tasty snack. Okaki's rich history and cultural significance make it an excellent gift for visitors wishing to bring a bit of Japan home. The process of manufacturing Okaki demonstrates the country's commitment to preserving ancient skills and procedures.

Okaki's accreditation by the Nippon Asia Halal Association provides an additional degree of assurance for individuals following a halal diet. This accreditation confirms that the rice crackers satisfy the highest levels of halal compliance, making them more accessible to a larger audience.


"Okaki" "Mame okaki" Japanese rice crackers

Hyobando, located behind the renowned Asakusa Kaminari-mon Gate, is one of the most well-known Okaki restaurants. This vibrant market caters to a wide spectrum of Okaki preferences, from traditional to imaginative. Okaki is more than just a snack; it's an experience that takes you back to Japan's rich cultural history. And it is ideal as one of the best Japanese food souvenirs for your loved ones.

Where to Buy Okaki

Okaki, a traditional Japanese snack, is offered in a variety of flavors and packaging options. Hibiki-an makes handcrafted Okaki in a variety of tastes, while Kokoro Cares sells excellent brown rice Okaki with sweet soy sauce. Amazon sells "Countryside Okaki" rice crackers with granulated sugar and salty rice crackers, both produced in Japan. Bokksu sells Lucky Mayo Curry Okaki rice crackers in a bundle of 12 bags, which are a unique blend of Japanese curry and mayonnaise.

Purchase Okaki as a souvenir from Japan and enjoy the delights of this real Japanese rice cracker.

When is the Best Time to Visit Tokyo?

Best time to visit Tokyo

Japan's culinary treasures represent a diverse tapestry of flavors, traditions, and workmanship. Matcha Green Tea KitKats combines history and innovation, while Tokyo Banana sponge cakes and Hokkaido cheese highlight regional delicacies. Wagashi and Shiroi Koibito provide culinary pieces of art that represent decades of history and workmanship.

For those looking for halal choices, Koeido's Kibi-dango and Nippon Asia Halal Association-certified Okaki offer a sense of Japan's culinary history while accommodating dietary needs. Each culinary keepsake becomes a treasured piece of Japan's rich cultural tapestry, allowing visitors to bring back not just flavors but memories of their journey through the Land of the Rising Sun.

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