Oemahku Guest House Syariah

Guest Houses



Very Good

41 reviews
In the Area
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Jl. Pemuda no 54, Rt 10/ Rw 04, Kel. Pegulon, Kec. Kendal, Kendal City Center, Kendal, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia, 51313

Main Facilities

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24-Hour Front Desk
Oemahku Guest House Syariah is located in area / city Kendal City Center. 24-hours front desk is available to serve you, from check-in to check-out, or any assistance you need. Should you desire more, do not hesitate to ask the front desk, we are always ready to accommodate you. WiFi is available within public areas of the property to help you to stay connected with family and friends.
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What's around Oemahku Guest House Syariah

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Jl. Pemuda no 54, Rt 10/ Rw 04, Kel. Pegulon, Kec. Kendal, Kendal City Center, Kendal, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia, 51313
Lobby Oemahku Guest House Syariah
Lobby 2 Oemahku Guest House Syariah

Discover More About Oemahku Guest House Syariah


Oemahku Guest House Syariah is located in area / city Kendal City Center.

The guesthouse is located only 7.15 km away from Kaliwungu Station.

There are plenty of tourist attractions nearby, such as Ayam Goreng Suharti Krapyak within 19.63 km, and SMP Negeri 18 Semarang within 19.2 km.

About Oemahku Guest House Syariah

For you, travelers who wish to travel comfortably on a budget, Oemahku Guest House Syariah is the perfect place to stay that provides decent facilities as well as great services.

From business event to corporate gathering, Oemahku Guest House Syariah provides complete services and facilities that you and your colleagues need.

Have fun with various entertaining facilities for you and the whole family at Oemahku Guest House Syariah, a wonderful accommodation for your family holiday.

If you plan to have a long-term stay, staying at Oemahku Guest House Syariah is the right choice for you. Providing wide range of facilities and great service quality, this accommodation certainly makes you feel at home.

While traveling with friends can be a lot of fun, traveling solo has its own perks. As for the accommodation, Oemahku Guest House Syariah is suitable for you who value privacy during your stay.

24-hours front desk is available to serve you, from check-in to check-out, or any assistance you need. Should you desire more, do not hesitate to ask the front desk, we are always ready to accommodate you.

WiFi is available within public areas of the property to help you to stay connected with family and friends.

Oemahku Guest House Syariah is a guesthouse with great comfort and excellent service according to most guesthouse's guests.

Oemahku Guest House Syariah is the ideal choice for you who are looking for a comfortable yet affordable accommodation.

All facilities in Oemahku Guest House Syariah

Lobby Oemahku Guest House Syariah
Exterior Oemahku Guest House Syariah

Public Facilities

  • Parking
  • Early check-in
  • WiFi in public area

Nearby Facilities

  • Grocery
  • Laundry
  • Supermarket


  • AC
  • Non-smoking room


  • Free WiFi

Hotel Services

  • 24-hour Receptionist

Accommodation Policy & General Information in Oemahku Guest House Syariah

Check-in/Check-out Time

From 14:00
Before 12:00

Required Documents

Upon check-in, you are required to bring Marriage Certificate. Please bring the required documents in hard copy.

General Information

Popular Facilities
AC, 24-Hour Front Desk, Parking, WiFi
Check-In / Check-Out Time
From 14:00 - Before 12:00
Available rooms at Oemahku Guest House Syariah
Number of floors in Oemahku Guest House Syariah
Another facilities in Oemahku Guest House Syariah
Early check-in, WiFi in public area, Grocery, Laundry, Supermarket

Frequently asked question in Oemahku Guest House Syariah

What are available facilities at Oemahku Guest House Syariah?
There are top facilites at Oemahku Guest House Syariah such as AC, 24-Hour Front Desk, Parking, WiFi. (some may require extra charges)
What is normal check-in & check-out time at Oemahku Guest House Syariah?
The standard check-in time at Oemahku Guest House Syariah is starting from From 14:00 while the latest check-out time is at Before 12:00

More Reviews from Other Guests in Oemahku Guest House Syariah

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Traveler Reviews Oemahku Guest House Syariah

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Customer reviews




Reviewed 42 week(s) ago

Not bad at an affordable price, close to Kendal Square, breakfast near the Bu Saber stall. A mainstay guesthouse if you go to Kendal.
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Rizki A. W.



Reviewed 84 week(s) ago

Pelayanan sangat memuaskan dan maksimal. Hotel rekomendasi dengan harga terjangkau. Kebersihan sangat terjamin. Kenyamanan kamar juga mengangumkan. TV sudah smart TV. Selalu menjadi pilihan utama ketika singgah di Kendal.

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Sukron S.



Reviewed 86 week(s) ago

The service is very pleasant, the location is very close to downtown Kendal 👍.
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Ade T. T. R.



Reviewed 89 week(s) ago

Clean rooms, good and friendly service.
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Ratna Ekasari



Reviewed 96 week(s) ago

It's comfortable, the suggestion is to have a generator ready, so that if the lights go out it's still cool in the room
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Ajeng W.



Reviewed 96 week(s) ago

Baca ulasan banyak yang bilang kamarnya bising karena deket jalan dan lain-lain. Saya bawa 2 balita udah agak was was. Ternyata saya dapet kamar atas dan agak tengah jadi lumayan deket jalan. Alhamdulillah gak terlalu bising, kedengaran sih tapi gak sampe mengganggu anak anak tidur. Lalu waktu saya mau minta air panas untuk bikin susu anak malah dipinjamkan water heater sama penjaganya. Kamar bersih, TV udah smart TV, internet kencang banget dan air juga lancar. Overall dengan harga segini hotel ini sangat sangat worth it!
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maggie m.



Reviewed 105 week(s) ago

Saya mau bercerita pengalaman saya yang sangat buruk saat menginap di tempat anda yang sangat-sangat berisik. Tanggal 26 Februari 2023 sehabis magrib, saya check in bawa anak anak kecil setelah perjalanan jauh untuk bisa beristirahat, karena saya lihat ulasannya bagus. Ketika check in, saya dapat kamar dekat jalan. Lalu saya minta ditempatkan di kamar lain yang jauh dari jalan tapi Mas yang jaga bilang kamar lain sudah dibooking semua. Malam tiba, benar saja berisik minta ampun suara kendaraan menembus dinding kamar bahkan kalau truk besar lewat, terasa bergema dan bergetar. Anak saya lagi tidur terkaget-kaget tiap ada truk lewat. Orang ngobrol di luar kamar saja kedengaran jelas sampai ke dalam kamar. Ini kualitas dindingnya kok sangat buruk sekali ya? Saya pun kembali komplen minta kamar lain yang jauh dari jalan karena saya lihat kamar-kamarnya banyak yang kosong dan di aplikasi pun masih sisa total 7 kamar itu sudah jam 11 malam. Bahkan saya bersedia nambah kalau adanya hanya kamar deluxe. Mas yang jaga bilang ga bisa pindah kecuali bayar lagi alias bayar 2 kamar karena peraturannya demikian. "Kamarnya sudah ada yang booking mba". "Loh emang kalau booking bisa spesifik booking kamar yang pojok? Kok saya baru tau?". "Iya tadi sore orangnya nelpon". Wow hebat sekali orang lain bisa pesan pada sore hari kamar yang spesifik dan sampe jam 11 belum nongol batang hidungnya giliran saya yang booking dari siang dan udah nongol minta kamar lain selain yang deket jalan ga dikasih. Itu gimana ceritanya? Emang jumlah bayarnya beda?. Ketika saya desak lagi kenapa di aplikasi masih tersedia 7 kamar tapi Masnya bilang udah fullbooked, dia malah bilang, "Saya gak tau, mba ditempatinnya memang seperti itu sama yang jaga pagi. Saya hanya menjalankan yang sudah diplot. Saya sampe tanya siapa namanya yang jaga pagi, dia jawab Mba Ina. Kalau memang begitu kenapa tadi bilangnya udah dibooking semua kamarnya? Kalau saja penjaganya dari awal jujur mungkin saya gak sekesal ini. Ini ngomong plintat plintut gak jujur. Jangan-jangan sengaja ya supaya saya bayar kamar lagi makanya ditempatin di kamar yang berisik? Kan saya jadi suuzon. Masak sih gak ada antisipasi sama sekali padahal udah banyak yang bilang loh hotel itu bising. Mas, saya bawa anak umur 2 tahun lho yang terkaget-kaget terus tiap ada truk berisik lewat. Apa susahnya sih upgrade aja ke kamar deluxe kalau yang superior pojok memang sudah ada "tamu" yang pesan? Kenapa sih gak fleksibel banget, kan harusnya hal-hal seperti itu bisa diantisipasi. Tamu hotel gak semuanya tuna rungu Mas, pasti mostly ngerasain susah tidur karena berisik sampai bergema begitu. Mas penjaga kalau lihat kondisi sepetri itu harusnya kan bisa berkoordinasi sama yang jaga pagi bukannya malah kekeh saya suruh bayar lagi. Akhirnya saya keluar dari hotel malam itu juga saking kesalnya karena kami gak bisa tidur. And guess what? Si Mas penjaga bahkan sama sekali gak minta maaf, bahkan gak bantu mobil saya keluar parkiran. Ini letak syariahnya gimana ya kok malah menyulitkan urusan sesama orang Muslim. Bayangin, deh tengah malam begitu saya beres-beres keluar hotel, gendong anak yang lagi tidur, jahat banget asli. Seumur-umur traveling booking hotel online baru kali ini saya dizolimi sampai pengen nangis begini. Semoga gak kejadian di tamu-tamu yang lain ya. Thanks.
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13 people find it helpful

Rifty R.



Reviewed 108 week(s) ago

Very comfortable to feel at home. The place is clean, the staff is very friendly, the food is also delicious, the price is affordable.
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Reviewed 109 week(s) ago

Hotel ini sangat bagus dan bersih. Sayangnya suara bising dan getaran dari kendaraan yang melintas masuk ke dalam kamar sehingga sulit untuk bisa tidur dengan tenang.

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Asep Y. R. F.



Reviewed 138 week(s) ago

Kamarnya cukup bersih, yang amazing ternyata sudah pakai smart TV, jadi bisa nonton youtube, netflix dan lain-lain, kamar mandi cukup sempit, bisa pesan makanan dan snack. Untuk snacknya saya pesan sosis, kentang, nugget rasanya B aja, es jeruk nya enak, susu jahe nya terlalu manis, parkir tidak terlalu luas, minusnya kamar kurang kedap suara karena tepat berada dipinggir jalan provinsi jadi suara kendaraan terdengar ke kamar dan kadang terasa guncangan di kamar karena kendaraan besar yang lewat, diantara kamar ada space bisa buat parkir mobil, parkir motor roda 2 dibelakang, tp kalau parkir tengah diisi mobil, maka kalau motor mau keluar harus sedikit repot menunggu mobil yang parkir dipindahkan/ keluar dahulu. Ada tempat duduk² yang cukup nyaman dibelakang. Saran kalau mau order pilih kamar yang dibelakang tidak terlalu dkt dengan jalan. Agar tidak terlalu bising. Pelayanan dari staff cukup ramah.
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M Reza S. N.



Reviewed 142 week(s) ago

Nice place and strategic location, facilities are quite good according to the price. Especially because it's not in a big city. One thing that needs to be improved, because it is located relatively close to the highway so that vehicle noise can reach the room, it is better to add a silencer to the room to reduce this a bit.
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Bogie A. A.



Reviewed 159 week(s) ago

Need a solution to reduce noise from the highway, very noisy all day to night.
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Puspasari R.



Reviewed 183 week(s) ago

The rooms are pretty good, but very noisy because the inn is located on the side of the main road. The sound of trucks at night is quite disturbing.
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Yosep M. B.



Reviewed 220 week(s) ago

Because it is near the Pantura road, it is very noisy and you can't sleep.
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Exterior 4 Oemahku Guest House Syariah


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