Connecting routes to your destination
When tickets to your destinations are sold out, or when you are travelling to places that are not reachable by a single train ride, Connecting Trains will get you there.
Start your search by filling in your origin and destination, date of travel, and number of passenger.
In the search results, look for trains marked as Connecting Trains. You will be able to see the route summary, which includes transit station(s).
See your train details to find out your transit station(s), transit duration, and what you need to do during transit.
Choose the best train for you and proceed to the booking form. Fill in your details as instructed and complete your payment.
After your payment is confirmed, e-tickets will be issued for your Connecting Trains booking. E-tickets will be accessible from My Booking on Traveloka App and website, or from your email.
At least two (2) e-tickets will be issued for your one-way trains--one for the first train from your origin to transit station, and one for the connecting train fron the transit station to your destination.
Just like in My Booking, at least two (2) e-tickets will be attached in your email. So, if you book Connecting Trains for both your departure and return trips, you will receive at least four (4) e-tickets.
Check in for your first train at the origin station
Use your first e-ticket to print the boarding pass for your first train at the departure station. Once you have your boarding pass, you will be able to board your first train, which will take you to your transit station.
Hop off the train at the transit station
When your train stops at the transit station, hop off the train and make sure to bring all of your belongings with you. You will be using another train to continue your journey.
Check in for your connecting train
At the transit station, find the check-in counters and print the boarding pass for your connecting train using the second e-ticket.
Board the connecting train to your destination
Make sure to arrive at the platform at least 30 minutes before your connecting train’s departure. Next, please board the train and continue the journey to your destination.