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Gunung Kidul Regency





Gunung Kidul Regency

Gunung Kidul is a regency in the southeast part of Yogyakarta Province and the western part of Mount Sewu the southern limestone hills – the origin of Gunung Kidul in Javanese. Even though it is in limestone hills area, this regency still has plenty of tourists’ attractions like beaches, cultural, sites, temples, and nature tourism. Although it is renowned as a barren region and often experience drought, Gunung Kidul has numerous exotic beaches like Baron, Drini, and Sadranan beach. Not just Bali, this district also serves fresh seafoods around Baron Beach that will complete your visit as you watch the beautiful ocean. Apart from that, there is also Pindul Cave, a natural tourist attraction that has become one of UNESCO Geopark amongst the other four. Located in Bejiharjo Village, Pindul Cave is one most targeted destination by local and foreigner tourist.

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