To check your refund status on Traveloka App, follow these steps:
1. Log in to your Traveloka account.
2. Go to My Account.
3. Tap My Refund to see a list of bookings that you are requesting a refund for, along with their statuses.

4. Tap on a booking to see your refund details.

My Booking
Things to note:
- Please be informed that for flight refunds, the amount you receive will depend on the airline’s policy, your reason for refund, and the gap between the date of refund request and the date of your departure.
To check your airline’s refund policy, go to, click Airline Policy, and click your airline.
- When your refund process is completed, you will be notified by email. Your refund will be transferred back to the payment method you used for booking. Please check your relevant account.
- Refund will be processed once your refund request has been approved by the airline or hotel.