very good hotel near juanda airport, free shuttle, clean and spacious room, and 100% syariah hotel policy, makes you and your family feel comfortable lots of foods stall nearby
The most popular landmarks in Sedati are Juanda International Airport (SUB), McDonald's Juanda Sidoarjo, Tawangalun Temple, McDonald's Sedati, Amerta Coffee
How many hotels are listed in Sedati?
Currently, there are around 235 hotels that you can book in Sedati
Guest reviews hotel in Sedati
17,336 reviews from hotels in Sedati with aggregated rating of 8.3/10.
Review from various users that have stayed in hotel near Sedati will help you to choose the perfect hotel easily!
A place is a scam and a total horror show the hotel is in ruins. Molds and leaks everywhere. Upon entering the room we noticed mold on the walls and bathroom, termite infestation and horrible bathroom condition. I was not expecting it to be this bad. It is not sanitary, in fact dangerous even for someone to stay there. It's not even close to the conditions shown on the site. Very misleading and quite frankly fraudulent. We had to had to move to another hotel.
Kamar fasilitas OK. Air panas OK. Wifi kenceng sekali. Receptionist ramah. Check in-out cepet. Tidak ada tempat sampah didalam kamar. Masukan, pada saat mau masuk ke halaman guest house ada tumpukan sampah disamping pagar sehingga menimbulkan aroma kurang sedap saat berjalan melewatinya. Untuk guest nya sendiri sih bersih.
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