It was awesome stacation in harper purwakarta, staff her name rava or reva I'm forgot the lady she help us very well till we are check out and she gave us best room view 517, room service and house keeping stafs that was amazing and for food are very nice. Thank you very much harper purwakarta see you for next staycation we hope will back again here hotel.
What are the most popular landmarks in Taman Batu Putra Arga?
The most popular landmarks in Taman Batu Putra Arga are Gapura Indung Rahayu, NOESAE, PT. Elegant Textile Industry, PEI - Politeknik Enjinering Indorama, PT Indonesia Libolon Fiber System
How many hotels are listed in Taman Batu Putra Arga?
Currently, there are around 29 hotels that you can book in Taman Batu Putra Arga
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