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Egypt is a country that is famous for its advanced ancient civilization that is shrouded in mystery. Situated in the middle of a vast desert, this country boasts a rich heritage and a history that is deeply embedded in the minds of people worldwide.

Arguably the most famous attraction in Egypt is the legendary Pyramid of Giza. As one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, this magnificent structure holds awe-inspiring ancient tales. Aside from the Pyramid of Giza, there’s also the Nile River, the longest river in the world, which has been one of the most important resources for the Egyptians.

However, the wonders of Egypt don’t stop there. There’s the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, which is home to historical artifacts like the famous Tuntankhamun’s treasure, as well as Luxor and the Valley of the Kings, which boasts a treasure trove of archaeological sites.

If you’re looking to relax, the beaches in Sharm El Sheikh are the perfect place to dive or simply relax beneath the sun.

Egypt is also home to the Sahara, the largest desert in the world, which offers stunning natural beauty reminiscent of the Pyramids' surroundings and the ancient stories that accompany it.

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What are some must-try Egyptian dishes?

Egypt boasts a variety of delicious traditional foods. One of them is "Kushari," a mix of macaroni, rice, lentils, fried onions, and spicy tomato sauce. There's also "Falafel" or "Ta'miya," a popular favorite made from fava beans and typically served with pita bread.

Don't forget to try "Molokhia," a thick green soup often served with chicken or meat. You should also sample "Baklava," a sweet dessert made from thin layers of pastry with syrup and nuts.

What to do in Egypt besides visiting the pyramids?

Egypt is not just about pyramids. You can visit the Egyptian Museum in Cairo to see ancient artifacts or sail on the Nile River with a felucca (traditional sailboat).

There are also Luxor and Aswan, both filled with breathtaking ancient temples, as well as the Red Sea coast in Sharm El Sheikh and Hurghada, which offer opportunities for diving amidst beautiful coral reefs. Lastly, consider visiting desert oases, such as Siwa.

What do I need to be aware of when visiting sacred places in Egypt?

Egypt is a predominantly Muslim country, so when entering mosques or other sacred sites, it is recommended to dress modestly by covering your arms and legs. Women are also advised to cover their hair with a headscarf.

Before entering a mosque, remove your shoes as a sign of respect. Typically, there are separate areas for men and women in sacred places.

Are there any typical Egyptian souvenirs to bring home?

Absolutely! You can bring back various types of souvenirs from Egypt, such as miniature pyramid figurines, ancient cat statues (Bastet), and scarab beetles. Additionally, Egyptian perfumes, pashminas, and silver jewelry are very popular. If you visit Aswan, alabaster stone is a good choice. Always be sure to haggle when shopping in traditional markets to get the best prices.

Are there any unique festivals or celebrations in Egypt that tourists can witness?

Egypt hosts numerous festivals and celebrations. One well-known event is "Moulid," a celebration of the birth of a revered Islamic figure. Here, you can witness various attractions like dance performances, music, and night markets.

Additionally, there's "Sham El Nessim," an ancient celebration marking the beginning of spring. Egyptians celebrate it with outdoor picnics and the consumption of salted fish.

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