What are the most popular landmarks in BAKMI MAMI NEW?
The most popular landmarks in BAKMI MAMI NEW are BAKMI MAMI NEW, FURI Times Square Mall, Triumph International 개선국제카지노, Longfengxuan Hotel & Casino, Jl setia budi medan
How many hotels are listed in BAKMI MAMI NEW?
Currently, there are around 137 hotels that you can book in BAKMI MAMI NEW
Guest reviews in hotel near BAKMI MAMI NEW
209 reviews from hotels in BAKMI MAMI NEW with aggregated rating of 9.1/10.
Review from various users that have stayed in hotel near BAKMI MAMI NEW will help you to choose the perfect hotel easily!
Compared to all of the other options in Sihanoukville, this place would be rated towards the top. Rooms are suitable, staff is very kind, restaurant is well run and fairly priced. Towels were a bit moldy so extra care to the laundry would improve the overall experience.