the hotel has many trees surrounding my room which I love, and the staffs are super friendly, the kids activities are great too! and I love my room, it’s so nice and spacious, the room is very well designed, very pleasant to the eyes. love this hotel very much
What are the most popular landmarks in PT. Berkat Ganda Sentosa?
The most popular landmarks in PT. Berkat Ganda Sentosa are Bank BCA KCP Kejapanan, Bank BCA Kejapanan, Safari Dharma Daerah Gempol, POLSEK Gempol - Pasuruan, WARUNG MBAK IS....(deket Pabrik Gudang Garam)
How many hotels are listed in PT. Berkat Ganda Sentosa?
Currently, there are around 30 hotels that you can book in PT. Berkat Ganda Sentosa
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