Got It vouchers are applicable to purchase Flights, Hotels, Xperience on Traveloka Website and Application.
Each Got It voucher is for one-time use, multiple Got It vouchers can be applied to pay for one booking.
Please note the valid and expiry date on the Got It vouchers.
The customer will pay the difference, if the value of the voucher is exceeded. (if any).
Promo codes issued by Traveloka cannot be combined, and the use is limited according to Traveloka's policy.
Got It vouchers that have been used but then canceled due to customer's reasons will not be refunded.
Got It vouchers are not applicable for Rescheduled bookings.
Got It vouchers are not applicable for booking Flights, Hotels, Xperience tickets via Traveloka's hotline.
By applying the Got It voucher, you will not earn Traveloka Points based on the discounted price.
Vouchers are not redeemable for cash, and are non-refundable.
Traveloka x Got It is not responsible for claims related to the purchase and sale of vouchers from unofficial sources.
Customers are responsible for keeping their voucher information confidential after purchase. Traveloka x Got It will not be responsible for refunding vouchers that are lost, or in "Used" status for any reason.
Please contact the supplier when having questions or complaints related to the quality of products/services at hotline 1900 55 88 20 or
Traveloka x Got It reserves the right to amend or change the terms and conditions without prior notice.