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Manly Snorkel Tour with Guided Walking Tour

Shelly Beach, Manly
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Rp 1.233.885

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Head to Shelly Beach on your next trip to Manly for a guided walking tour of the Shelly Beach Headland Loop before suiting up in your wetsuit and snorkel gear for a 1-hour snorkel tour
Meet the famous and endangered Blue Groper frequently spotted in the protected Cabbage Tree Aquatic Reserve
This tour is suitable for those of all snorkel experience levels however you must be able to swim 150m unassisted, float and tread water as there is no life jackets are provided
Take in amazing views over the headland where you can spot whales between May to November, birds and plenty of wildife along the way

Head below the surface to explore some of Manly's locals

If you're not confident in the water, grab a noodle to help keep you afloat

Grab a few friends and explore the waters below at Shelly Beach

Manly is one of Sydney's best snorkelling locations year round

Not far from the popular Manly Beach, Shelly Beach is a stunning short walk away

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Shelly Beach, Manly
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Frequently Asked Questions

Berapa harga voucher Manly Snorkel Tour with Guided Walking Tour?
Harga voucher untuk Manly Snorkel Tour with Guided Walking Tour mulai dari Rp 1.233.885. Kunjungi halaman ini untuk melihat informasi lengkap mengenai harga Manly Snorkel Tour with Guided Walking Tour.
Dimana detail lokasi Manly Snorkel Tour with Guided Walking Tour?
Manly Snorkel Tour with Guided Walking Tour berada di Shelly Beach, Manly. Kunjungi halaman ini untuk panduan cara menuju ke Manly Snorkel Tour with Guided Walking Tour.
Apa saja pilihan tempat seperti Manly Snorkel Tour with Guided Walking Tour yang bisa dikunjungi di Sydney?
Pilihan tempat seperti Manly Snorkel Tour with Guided Walking Tour yang bisa dikunjungi di Sydney antara lain Sydney Attractions Pass, Blue Mountains Scenic World Unlimited Day Pass | Sydney, dan Sydney Tower Eye Tickets.

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Harga Tiket
Mulai dari Rp 1.233.885.
Shelly Beach, Manly.
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