Xperience/Korea Selatan/Seoul/Jongno/Insadong/Museum Kimchikan Entrance Ticket in Insadong | Seoul

Museum Kimchikan Entrance Ticket in Insadong | Seoul

Museum Kimchikan(서울 뮤지엄김치간)
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Jadwal Tur Paling Dekat | Kam, 04 Jul 2024

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Mulai dari

Rp 45.008

Cari Pilihan

Pengalaman yang Menunggumu

Explore Museum Kimchikan, a top Kimchi and Kimjang food museum. Discover Kimchi's rich history and regional varieties for an unforgettable experience.

Visit Museum Kimchikan, listed among CNN's World’s Top 11 Food Museums, and immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of culinary wonders
Learn about the art of making Kimchi and Kimjang
Explore the diverse types of Kimchi showcasing regional characteristics and delve into its historical roots
Seize the great opportunity to touch, taste, and take Kimchi home for your culinary adventures

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— What You Can Expect —

Explore Museum Kimchikan, a captivating food museum centered around Kimchi and Kimjang, emblematic of traditional Korean culture. Recognized as one of CNN's World’s Top 11 Food Museums, it invites global visitors to immerse themselves in the flavors, joy, and heritage of Kimchi. Journey through the Kimchi culture of the Joseon Dynasty, the modern-day history and culture of Kimchi, and the diverse regional variations that exhibit unique characteristics. Embrace this opportunity for an unforgettable and delightful experience with Kimchi.


Discover the gradual integration of Kimchi into the lives of people around the world


Seize the great opportunity to learn about the history of Kimchi


Dive into a deep understanding of the Kimjang culture of Korea

Admire the beautiful museum exterior

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Detail Lokasi

Museum Kimchikan(서울 뮤지엄김치간)
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Frequently Asked Questions

Berapa harga paket tour Museum Kimchikan Entrance Ticket in Insadong | Seoul?
Harga paket tour untuk Museum Kimchikan Entrance Ticket in Insadong | Seoul mulai dari Rp 45.008. Kunjungi halaman ini untuk melihat informasi lengkap mengenai harga Museum Kimchikan Entrance Ticket in Insadong | Seoul.
Kapan tanggal yang tersedia untuk Museum Kimchikan Entrance Ticket in Insadong | Seoul?
Museum Kimchikan Entrance Ticket in Insadong | Seoul tersedia di tanggal 04 Jul 2024. Untuk informasi lebih lengkap mengenai ketersediaan tanggal dan durasi untuk event tersebut, silahkan kunjungi halaman ini.

Informasi Umum

Harga Tiket
Mulai dari Rp 45.008.
Tanggal Tersedia
04 Jul 2024.
Museum Kimchikan(서울 뮤지엄김치간)