The Chicken Church is located on the top of Rhema Hills that offers a scenic mountain view especially when the dawn is breaking. Built in purpose of serving not only as a church, but also a praying home for all nations and religions. Visit the church to get a religious and educational tour at once as this church consists of 7 stories where each floor is decorated with interconnected paintings that tells a story of Man's Spiritual Journey, The Meaning of Prayer, God's Goodness, and Miracle and Local Wisdom.
Harga Tiket | Mulai dari Rp 25.000. |
Jam Buka | 07:00-18:00. |
Alamat | Karangrejo Gombong, Kurahan, Kembanglimus, Kec. Borobudur, Magelang, Jawa Tengah 56553, Indonesia. |
Fasilitas Umum | Restoran,Ruang Ibadah,Toilet |
Kategori | Atraksi |
Diskon Gereja Ayam Bukit Rhema hari ini | Temukan Diskon Gereja Ayam Bukit Rhema di sini |