Embark on an extraordinary journey through Middle-earth with the Hobbiton Movie Set Tour, the iconic location where Peter Jackson brought the Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit trilogies to life. As one of New Zealand's most sought-after destinations for the past decade, this tour begins by picking you up from Auckland. A two-hour scenic drive unfolds, offering captivating stops for photos and optional pauses along the way. Upon arrival, indulge in shopping at the official Hobbiton Gift Shop and savoring refreshments at the Shire’s Rest Cafe. The Middle-earth adventure kicks off. Your knowledgeable guide leads a 2.5-hour exploration, unveiling the intricacies of Hobbit Holes, The Mill, The Double Arched Bridge, and culminating with a complimentary drink at The Green Dragon Inn.
Get on the hotel pick up from Auckland and explore the famous Middle-earth when you visit the Hobbiton Movie Set
Step into the world of hobbits as you take a fully-guided tour around the Hobbiton Movie Set
Discover the movie sets of ‘The Lord of the Rings’ and ‘The Hobbit’ on this day tour of Hobbiton
You'll get the chance to take plenty of photos of Hobbiton and transport yourself into these movies!
Harga Tiket | Mulai dari Rp 463.196. |
Tanggal Tersedia | 05 Jan 2025. |
Alamat | Hobbiton Movie Set |
Kategori | Tur |