Xperience/Filipina/Cebu/Mactan Island/Lapu-Lapu City/Maribago/Bluewater Maribago Beach Resort: Day Use or Night Use Package With Lunch or Dinner and Happy Hour Access (With Optional Transfers) | Cebu

Bluewater Maribago Beach Resort: Day Use or Night Use Package With Lunch or Dinner and Happy Hour Access (With Optional Transfers) | Cebu

Bluewater Maribago
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Mactan Island
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Rp 311.216

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Treat yourself to a day full of nature, along with calm and worry-free moments at the Bluewater Maribago Beach Resort! Enjoy a full-day pass and explore this little paradise. Grab a bite to eat at the Allegro Restaurant, too.

Let go of your worries for a brief moment and enjoy your day at Bluewater Maribago
Enjoy a delicious lunch buffet at Allegro Restaurant
Choose your preferred package of Day Use or Night Use Pass
Get a good deal with Traveloka


Due to Chinese New Year Holiday, there will be an extra surcharge of PHP400 per pax on the date 29th January 2025.
Guest may pay the extra surcharge to the reservation desk when arriving Bluewater Maribago Beach Resort.

Get closer to nature and let go of your worries at Bluewater Maribago Beach Resort

Enjoy al fresco dining at the poolside patios

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Berapa harga voucher Bluewater Maribago Beach Resort: Day Use or Night Use Package With Lunch or Dinner and Happy Hour Access (With Optional Transfers) | Cebu?
Harga voucher untuk Bluewater Maribago Beach Resort: Day Use or Night Use Package With Lunch or Dinner and Happy Hour Access (With Optional Transfers) | Cebu mulai dari Rp 311.216. Kunjungi halaman ini untuk melihat informasi lengkap mengenai harga Bluewater Maribago Beach Resort: Day Use or Night Use Package With Lunch or Dinner and Happy Hour Access (With Optional Transfers) | Cebu.
Kapan tanggal yang tersedia untuk Bluewater Maribago Beach Resort: Day Use or Night Use Package With Lunch or Dinner and Happy Hour Access (With Optional Transfers) | Cebu?
Bluewater Maribago Beach Resort: Day Use or Night Use Package With Lunch or Dinner and Happy Hour Access (With Optional Transfers) | Cebu tersedia di tanggal 11 Mar 2025. Untuk informasi lebih lengkap mengenai ketersediaan tanggal dan durasi untuk event ini, silahkan kunjungi halaman ini.

Informasi Umum

Harga Tiket
Mulai dari Rp 311.216.
Tanggal Tersedia
11 Mar 2025.
Bluewater Maribago
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