Xperience/Taiwan/Southern Taiwan/Kaohsiung/Cianjin/Kaohsiung Love Boat Cruise

Kaohsiung Love Boat Cruise

Love River, Love Boat, Hedong Road, Qianjin District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
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Rp 65.474

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Pengalaman yang Menunggumu

Explore the Love River onboard an open and solar-powered boat
Enjoy sightseeing iconic landmarks on a cruise during day or night
See the Love Pier, Kaohsiung Music Hall, 228 Peace Memorial Park and more

Get onboard the Kaohsiung Solar-Powered Love Boat and cruise along the iconic Love River. By day, enjoy the river's pristine and sparkling waters as you see the city's famous landmarks such as the Zhongzheng Bridge, Kaohsiung Music Hall, Kaohsiung Museum of History, Love Pier, and more. If you choose to take a night cruise, you may catch the bright lights at the New Bay Area and have a luminous cityscape view.

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Jadwal Tur

- Make your own way to Love Boat Guobin Port
- Start of tour (09:00 / 15:00)
- Zhongzheng Bridge
- Zodiac Wharf
- Li De Baseball Stadium
- Qixian Bridge
- Kaohsiung Music Hall
- Kaohsiung Museum of History
- Love Boat Ren' ai Port
- Kaohsiung City 228 Peace Memorial Park
- Xinle Observatory Station
- Kaohsiung Film Archive
- Love Pier and Glory Pier
- Kaohsiung Bridge
- Sea Turtle and Soaring Dragon statue
- Return to Love Boat Guobin Port
- End of tour (22:00 / 22:30)

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Detail Lokasi

Love River, Love Boat, Hedong Road, Qianjin District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
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Frequently Asked Questions

Berapa harga tiket Kaohsiung Love Boat Cruise?
Harga tiket untuk Kaohsiung Love Boat Cruise mulai dari Rp 65.474. Kunjungi halaman ini Kaohsiung Love Boat Cruise untuk melihat informasi lengkap mengenai harga Kaohsiung Love Boat Cruise.
Kapan jam operasional Kaohsiung Love Boat Cruise?
Kaohsiung Love Boat Cruise saat ini beroperasi pukul 15:00-22:00. Untuk informasi lebih lengkap mengenai hari dan jam buka, silahkan kunjungi halaman berikut Kaohsiung Love Boat Cruise.
Dimana detail lokasi Kaohsiung Love Boat Cruise?
Detail lokasi Kaohsiung Love Boat Cruise berada di Love River, Love Boat, Hedong Road, Qianjin District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan. Kunjungi halaman ini Kaohsiung Love Boat Cruise untuk panduan cara menuju ke Kaohsiung Love Boat Cruise.