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Xperience/Hàn Quốc/Seoul/Seodaemun/Sinchon/Aesthetics|Fragrance Garden|Korean Entertainment Culture ART VALLEY、山楂傳統酒莊一天團|首爾出發

Aesthetics|Fragrance Garden|Korean Entertainment Culture ART VALLEY、山楂傳統酒莊一天團|首爾出發

弘大入口站 5 Hongik University station (Exit 5)
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Bắt đầu từ

1.945.502 VND

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Bạn sẽ trải nghiệm

After seeing the Kyoto Road, the former Tianlong Road dealer, the former traveler, the former Shuang River city, the second-highest speed car. blue
由廢棄的採石場搖身一變成藝術術旅遊勝地,到訪Korea Music Playground【抱川Art Valley】
栽種了340【香草島樂園】,吸引多部綜藝節目「RUNNING MAN」、「爸爸回來了」等到訪
午餐品嚐道地美味Korean format【鄉土蔬菜包飯料理】,每一口都讓你難忘得好滋味
遠離緊張城市環境,感受Korea 韓國郊區新鮮空氣,Good, good, good luck 一下

The content of this product is provided by machine translation and may not reflect the actual information, please take this into consideration before booking.


Group time and place:

07:00 弘大入口站 5 號出口 before SC Bank

07:30 Myeongdong Station 2 exit

07:45 Dongdaemun Historical Culture Park 11, exit 11

行程Length:約 12 hours

Refund notice: 19:00

Type of vehicle used: Large number of people

- 程簡介-

【抱川Art Valley】

People's energy in Korea 「藍色海洋嚄傳說」、「花遊記」拍攝景點,將原先廢棄的採石場融文化藝術元素後改造成熱門的旅遊勝地。而最令人印象深刻的地方,無非是稜角分明的山壁、碧綠的湖水,及雕像公園那令人豁然開朗的廣闊風景,其中漂亮的天鑄湖景色,更讓人Don't forget your money! If you want to buy a local car, buy a car, buy a car, buy a car, buy a car and buy it.

【Music Island Love Garden】

「RUNNING MAN」、「Combat Affairs」、「製作人」、「People of Korea」、Korea International Studies、戲劇取景夯點,是目前世界上最Large indoor plant garden, private garden, medium-sized garden, 340 large-sized aromatic plants, no price It's an open space for wine and vegetables, it's for sale, it's for sale, it's for entertainment, it's for entertainment, it's for sale.快門按不停。

【追尋傳統酒香 ─ Yama楂酒莊】

抱川市自古便以水質清澈出名,採用抱川水源製成的傳統酒更是酒香醇正,味道一流,深受Traveling with customers, entertainment, entertainment, entertainment, entertainment, entertainment, entertainment, business, entertainment, entertainment, entertainment, entertainment, entertainment and other activities.供遊客體驗參與,包含釀酒、試喝山楂酒、山楂庭院散步等。

- 餐點介紹 -

【Rhythm of 鄉土蔬菜包飯飯㖙】

It's a new way to get a new car, it's a new car, and it's a big deal. One way to buy raw vegetables, one for one use, one for food and drink, one for limited use, one for limited use, one for limited use. Let's go to the middle of the mountain, let's eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, drink, eat, drink, eat, eat, eat, drink, eat, drink, eat, drink, eat, drink, eat, drink, eat, drink, eat, drink, eat, drink, eat, drink, eat, drink, eat, drink, eat, drink, drink, eat, drink, eat, drink, drink, eat, drink, eat, drink, eat, drink, eat, drink, eat, drink, eat, drink, eat, drink, eat, drink, eat, drink, eat, drink, eat, drink, eat, drink, eat, drink, eat, drink, eat, drink, eat, drink, etc.

Thông tin liên hệ, Tiện ích, Dịch vụ ngôn ngữ và nhiều thông tin khác

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Thông tin địa điểm

弘大入口站 5 Hongik University station (Exit 5)
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Câu hỏi thường gặp

Aesthetics|Fragrance Garden|Korean Entertainment Culture ART VALLEY、山楂傳統酒莊一天團|首爾出發 có giá bao nhiêu?
Giá vé của Aesthetics|Fragrance Garden|Korean Entertainment Culture ART VALLEY、山楂傳統酒莊一天團|首爾出發 từ 1.945.502 VND
Aesthetics|Fragrance Garden|Korean Entertainment Culture ART VALLEY、山楂傳統酒莊一天團|首爾出發 địa chỉ chính xác ở đâu?
Địa chỉ của Aesthetics|Fragrance Garden|Korean Entertainment Culture ART VALLEY、山楂傳統酒莊一天團|首爾出發 là ở 弘大入口站 5 Hongik University station (Exit 5)
Những hoạt động tương tự Aesthetics|Fragrance Garden|Korean Entertainment Culture ART VALLEY、山楂傳統酒莊一天團|首爾出發 để trải nghiệm tại Seodaemun?
Hoạt động tương tự Aesthetics|Fragrance Garden|Korean Entertainment Culture ART VALLEY、山楂傳統酒莊一天團|首爾出發 để trải nghiệm ở Seodaemun là Lotte World Theme Park, eSIM 4G GoHub dùng tại Hàn Quốc, và Vivaldi Park Ski Resort with Ski/Snowboarding Lesson - Day Tour by S. A. Tour.

Thông tin chung

Giá vé
Giá từ 1.945.502 VND.
Ngày khả dụng
11 Mar 2025
Thời gian
12 Hours.
Địa chỉ
弘大入口站 5 Hongik University station (Exit 5)
Danh mục
Tour;Điểm tham quan