"Godzilla Interception" is located on Awaji Island, with the theme of Godzilla in real size. It is the only entertainment facility in the world where you can fully experience the power and force of Godzilla. Participants become members of the Godzilla Research Center on Awaji Island. Just like the plot of the Toho movie, they listen to the report of "Godzilla Intercept Operation" on the Godzilla that appeared on Awaji Island through the video, and challenge the "Aerial Zipline”, “Godzilla Cell Shooting” and other amusement facilities. At the same time, the world's first "Godzilla Museum" was established. With the assistance of Toho Film Art Company, which is responsible for the special effects of Godzilla movies, it displays a three-dimensional model that reproduces the movie screen in front of your eyes.