What are the most popular landmarks in Kampus Tadulako?
The most popular landmarks in Kampus Tadulako are Mutiara SIS Al-Jufrie Airport (PLW), Rumah Sakit Woodward Palu, Kantor Lorenna Palu, Mall Tatura, GPDI Sulawesi Tengah MD XVI
How many hotels are listed in Kampus Tadulako?
Currently, there are around 90 hotels that you can book in Kampus Tadulako
Guest reviews in accommodations and hotels Kampus Tadulako
9,439 reviews from hotels in Kampus Tadulako with aggregated rating of 8.6/10.
Review from various users that have stayed in hotel near Kampus Tadulako will help you to choose the perfect hotel easily!
Sutan Raja Hotel has a great location, very close to the airport, which makes it super convenient. However, the room had a strong cigarette smell, which was a bit disappointing. If they improved the air quality, it would be a much better stay!