The most popular landmarks in Sattahip are Sattahip Naval Base, Plutaluang Navy Golf Course, Rang Nam Beach, เรือลอยอังคาร กองเรือยุทธการ, โรงพยาบาลสมเด็จพระนางเจ้าสิริกิติ์
How many hotels are listed in Sattahip?
Currently, there are around 227 hotels that you can book in Sattahip
Guest reviews in accommodations and hotels Sattahip
2,425 reviews from hotels in Sattahip with aggregated rating of 8.7/10.
Review from various users that have stayed in hotel near Sattahip will help you to choose the perfect hotel easily!
I really like this hotel. Was staying there for two nights but have to say that it wasn't my first time there. The most important thing for me was the softness of the bed since mattresses in Thailand rather hard. However, the term ' comfy ' in reviews doesn't truly capture the actual comfort level of the bed.". So here 's my opinion: the mattresses at Sor Kor Sor Resort were neither hard nor soft but definitely softer than most hotel mattresses all over the country.