The most popular landmarks in Ward 5 are JOYCE Boutique Coffee & Stay, Khu du lịch Fresh Garden Dalat, Cam Ly Waterfall , Ecotourism destinations Hoa Son Dien Trang, Trung tâm Lưu trữ Quốc gia IV
How many hotels are listed in Ward 5?
Currently, there are around 9 hotels that you can book in Ward 5
Guest reviews in accommodations and hotels Ward 5
2,899 reviews from hotels in Ward 5 with aggregated rating of 8.5/10.
Review from various users that have stayed in hotel near Ward 5 will help you to choose the perfect hotel easily!
Quiet hostel I can deep slept. Staff helpful. But I don't know is regulation all dalat hostel is must keep the guest pasport? Because here the staff keep your pasport, and when I am go out, I request to take my passport and barter 1 million dong, after back to hostel they return my money and I give back passpor to staff.