Discover the enchanting Nijigen no Mori, Awaji Island's Anime Theme Park featuring the Naruto & Boruto Shinobi Village. Immerse yourself in a unique blend of Japanese anime and natural beauty, where the forest transforms into a sprawling canvas of two-dimensional wonder. By day, families can enjoy thrilling attractions amidst lush greenery, while evenings unveil a magical anime spectacle under starlit skies. Explore Dragon Quest Island's outdoor RPG, tackle the Naruto & Boruto Ninzato maze, or conquer the three-story "Hokage Rock" challenge. Perfect for anime enthusiasts and nature lovers alike, Nijigen no Mori offers an unforgettable adventure in Hyogo Prefecture's scenic Awajishima Park.
See the life-sized replica of Konohagakure/Hidden Leaf Village, only here at Nijigen no Mori
Watch live action Naruto and Boruto attractions in person
A bus ride that will take you to Naruto & Boruto Shinobi village
Ticket Price | Starting from USD 31.88. |
Address | Naruto x Boruto Park Nijigen no Mori. |
Category | Attractions |