Hendrie Oktaviannur

27 Sep 2019 - 4 min read

Roaming the Abundant Morotai

With Hamish Daud

It might never crossed your mind to visit Morotai Island. Yet, this destination offers riveting abundance once you get to know more about it. Morotai is dubbed as “Pearl on the Lips of Pacific” for its underwater beauty. But apart from that, the island also stores the remnants from the World War II, below the water and on the land.

Together with MNC TV program Indonesian Authentic Places and Hamish Daud, Traveloka explores Morotai to inspire you. “This is my first time exploring Morotai,” said this adventure seeker public figure. Follow his records going around the island below.

The Enchanted Nature of Morotai

Whatever you wish for, a soft sandy beach, turquoise-colored ocean, high adrenaline cave and diving spots, Morotai delivers. Plus, the local people are very friendly and modest.

Location: 20 minutes from Daruba Port, Morotai, by speed boat

Sink into the soft white sand and the clear ocean water in turquoise color
The island consists of Big Dodola Island and Small Dodola Island, both are connected only during low tide and forming a sandy path known as the “sea split” phenomenon
The island consists of Big Dodola Island and Small Dodola Island, both are connected only during low tide and forming a sandy path known as the “sea split” phenomenon
“Its natural beauty keeps making us stay.”
- Hamish Daud

Location: 40 minutes from Daruba Port, Morotai, by speedboat

An inhabited island with clean beach, rarely visited.
A favorite destination for divers to see the blacktip reef shark.
There are two dive centers in Morotai Island: Shark Diving Indonesia (located in Daruba village) and Dive Morotai (D’Aloha Resort)
Price starts from Rp1.500.000 for three diving spots, including blacktip reef shark dive site.
“The water is very clear, it’s easy to see the beauty under the sea.”
- Hamish Daud

Location: Bido Village, 66 km/1 hour from Pitu Airport by land

The sand is white and soft, with unique shape of rocks along the shore.
The thick trees makes the beach atmosphere cool and comfy for the visitors.
Entrance fee is based on vehicle: car Rp50.000 and motorbike Rp20.000
“The sand and the ocean are very clean.”
- Hamish Daud

Location: Sangowo Village, East Morotai (38 km/55 minutes from Pitu Airport)

A new destination in Morotai is a large white rock shaped like a bolster, named as Batu Pocong.
There are a pool and a 4 meters waterfall inside the cave..
Before entering the cave, visitors are asked to wash their faces with water from the river coming out of the cave mouth to protect from mystical disturbance.
The depth of the cave is 400 meters.
“Popogu Cave is a very attractive tourism spot in Morotai, it is new and not known by many.”
- Hamish Daud

Location: 15 minutes from Daruba Airport, Morotai, with speedboat.

A small island with beautiful beach, many activities and friendly people.
Watch the life of the locals; fishermen travel home carrying fish and seaweed, and the joy of children playing.
In August, an annual event of Morotai Festival takes place, displaying ornamental boats from the local fishermen.
Up in the north, there is a small inhabited island of Galo-Galo. You can stay in beach houses and other accommodations there.

Tips:Bring a power bank for your electronic devices, since the electricity in this island comes from the village’s solar power plant that is only available at night with limited capacity.

“I have already felt the warmth of the people, even before stepping foot in this island.”
- Hamish Daud

History Marks in Two Realms

Morotai Island is the witness of World War II, a place where Japanese soldier set up their defense base before taken over by the allies. So, no wonder there are many war remains spread in the region, for example: military vehicles wreckage under the sea, military ports ruins, military vehicles, machine gun, and monument of foreign heroes.

Location: the sea around Wawama Village, 10 minutes from Daruba Port, Morotai, by speedboat

The most favorite dive spot in Morotai, popularly known as underwater war museum.
There are many wreckages from the war on site, like Jeep car, truck, ship, and fighter plane.
Two dive centers that can take you there are Shark Diving Indonesia (Daruba village) and Dive Morotai (D’Aloha Resort)
Price starts from Rp1.500.000 for three diving spots, including the wreckage of World War II site.
“Diving is indeed the top attraction of Morotai.”
- Hamish Daud

Location: Daruba Village, 8 km/15 minutes from Pitu Airport, by land

The museum is built in a house, storing many World War II remains collected by the owner, Muhlis Eso. Some of the objects are water bottle, steel helmet, necklace, grenade, bullets casing, and machine guns.
Entrance fee: by donation.
“History is very interesting to learn and by it, we can move forward to do better in the future.”
- Hamish Daud

Location: Pandanga Village, Morotai Island, 9,1 km/15 minutes from Pitu Airport by land

Watch the sunset in the middle of military port ruins.
By the shore, there is a shop selling snacks and drinks.
“I feel incomplete before looking at Morotai from many angles, like from this one here.”
- Hamish Daud

Location: 15 minutes from Daruba Port, Morotai, by speed boat

This inhabited island offers several attractive activities, from snorkeling, diving, and getting around with speedboat.
You can also find Monument of General Douglas MacArthur, the commander of Pacific War army who evicted the Japanese from around Morotai all the way to the Philippines.

Tips: There is no food and beverage shop in the island, so prepare some foods and snacks upon visiting.

“Learning the history of World War II is a must when visiting Morotai.
- Hamish Daud

Where to Stay?

D’Aloha Resort

A luxurious resort with beach view.

D’Aloha Resort


Juanga, Morotai Selatan, Kab. Morotai

Rp 1.098.264

Rp 823.698


Getting to Morotai by plane

Leo Wattimena Airport (previously known as Pitu Airport) is the only airport in Morotai Island. Several facts about this airport below:

The airport serves flight from and to Sultan Babullah Airport, Ternate.
Commercial airlines that serves flight to Leo Wattimena Airport is Wings Air.
There is only one schedule per day, which is 11:45 WIT.

Getting to Morotai by boat

From Halmahera (Tobelo Port) to Daruba Port, Morotai:

Speedboat to Daruba Port, Morotai: travelling time 12 hours (price Rp160.000/person)
Wooden boat: travelling time 2 hours (price Rp60.000/person)
Ferry: travelling time 2 hours (price Rp20.000/person)

From Ternate (Ahmad Yani Port) to Daruba Port, Morotai:

Ferry: travelling time 12 hours (price Rp160.000/person)

Getting around the island

You can rent a car in Leo Wattimena Airport. The rental price is Rp500.000/day. The price excludes driver (Rp150.000/day), fuel (Rp200.000/day), and guide (Rp250.000/day)
You can also use the local public transportation of motorcycle rickshaw (bentor/becak motor) with price ranges from Rp10.000, depending on the distance.

Visiting surrounding islands

Rent a speedboat for half-day tour. The price is Rp800.000 with maximum quota of 15 person.

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