Search for cheap hotels in West Yangon Region promo rates? Find the cheapest promo rate hotel in West Yangon Region through online hotel booking website Traveloka
Great hostel with great facility and location. They have complimentary drinks 24/7, and they have rooftop cafe with a great scenery with a wide range of food.
What are the most popular landmarks in West Yangon Region?
The most popular landmarks in West Yangon Region are Yangon International Airport (RGN), Shwedagon Pagoda, Kaba Aye Pagoda, Sule Pagoda, Myanmar Convention Centre
How many hotels are listed in West Yangon Region?
Currently, there are around 53 hotels that you can book in West Yangon Region
Guest reviews in hotel near West Yangon Region
3.804 reviews from hotels in West Yangon Region with aggregated rating of 8.7/10.
Review from various users that have stayed in hotel near West Yangon Region will help you to choose the perfect hotel easily!
I have stayed here before so it 's nice to be back again. Although the place is a little outside downtown. If you need some peace and quiet and also have the transportation to bring or pick you from the hotel, then it 's great. I loved having citimart just outside the Hotel. The most important motivation for me.