Let’s Run a Spectacular Vacation

Time to book your travel essentials with extra savings!
Thanks to digibank, you can enjoy it all at super affordable prices. Get up to Rp600k off various products, including✈️ Flights, 🏨Hotels, 🎡Xperience and many more for your upcoming getaway.
Have your digibank Credit Cards ready?
Let’s swipe now so your spectacular vacation doesn’t have to wait any longer!

Find more details about this promo below.

Booking period: 1 Jul – 24 Dec 2024

Rp125k Discount Coupon



Valid for payments with all digibank Credit Cards issued in Indonesia. 

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Rp350k Discount Coupon



Valid for payments with all digibank Credit Cards issued in Indonesia.  

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Rp600k Discount Coupon



Valid for payments with all digibank Credit Cards issued in Indonesia.   

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