The most popular landmarks in Makassar are Trans Studio Makassar Theme Park, Mall Panakkukang, Trans Studio Makassar Mall , Losari Beach, Mall Ratu Indah
How many hotels are listed in Makassar?
Currently, there are around 5 hotels that you can book in Makassar
Guest reviews in hotel near Makassar
572,451 reviews from hotels in Makassar with aggregated rating of 8.4/10.
Review from various users that have stayed in hotel near Makassar will help you to choose the perfect hotel easily!
Located in vibrant area of Makassar. Surrounded by fantastic cafe, coffee shop and traditional restaurant. Facilities are also goods but it's just lil bit surprised with concierge service. I saw that guest belongings just spreading at the concierge post sometimes unattended.
This hotel was very bad. All the staff really stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Worst hotel in Makassar!!! Please do not stay here!!!!!!!
The stay was very terrible!!!!!!!!!
The hotel is still undergoing renovation. The carpet and furnitures are old and smelly. The proximity of a mosque to the hotel resulted in extremely loud sound amplification as early as 3:30 AM. This early morning disturbance severely disrupted my sleep and overall comfort.