The most popular landmarks in Bang Khen are Yaek Tiwanon, The Best Gym กระทรวงสาธารณสุข นนทบุรี, พันธุ์ทิพย์ งามวงศ์วาน, วัดบัวขวัญ พระอารามหลวง, Q Bioscience Co., Ltd
How many hotels are listed in Bang Khen?
Currently, there are around 8 hotels that you can book in Bang Khen
Guest reviews in hotel near Bang Khen
4,221 reviews from hotels in Bang Khen with aggregated rating of 8.4/10.
Review from various users that have stayed in hotel near Bang Khen will help you to choose the perfect hotel easily!
The location is in an alley so it 's a bit hard to find. Small room but fully equipped. There are hot water dispenser and microwave in the hallway. Staff is very friendly and helpful.