How much do Hat Yai - Pak Bara Pier - Koh Lipe Speedboat Transfer ticket cost?
The ticket price for Hat Yai - Pak Bara Pier - Koh Lipe Speedboat Transfer start from RM 78.75. Visit Traveloka page to see more information about Hat Yai - Pak Bara Pier - Koh Lipe Speedboat Transfer ticket prices.
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Where is the details location of Hat Yai - Pak Bara Pier - Koh Lipe Speedboat Transfer?
Hat Yai - Pak Bara Pier - Koh Lipe Speedboat Transfer is located at Hat Yai. Visit Traveloka page for guidance on how to get to Hat Yai - Pak Bara Pier - Koh Lipe Speedboat Transfer.
What are some similar places like Hat Yai - Pak Bara Pier - Koh Lipe Speedboat Transfer that can be found in Koh Lipe?
Traveloka Sdn Bhd (Registration No. 201501003122), Level 14 Tower 2, Menara Kembar Bank Rakyat, 33 Jalan Rakyat Brickfields, 50470 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia