What are the most popular landmarks in Monument National?
The most popular landmarks in Monument National are Montreal Casino, Canadian Centre for Architecture, Cathedral-Basilica of Mary Queen of the World, Monument National, Fonderie Darling
How many hotels are listed in Monument National?
Currently, there are around 200 hotels that you can book in Monument National
Guest reviews in hotel near Monument National
5 reviews from hotels in Monument National with aggregated rating of 8.8/10.
Review from various users that have stayed in hotel near Monument National will help you to choose the perfect hotel easily!
1. Location at downtown, near metro station. 2. Staff was accommodating and friendly, but the cleaning service didn't come one day even though we already requested it several times. 3. Washing machine. 4. Breakfast. 5. Luggage storage. 6 No AC in the living room, luckily we came at autumn when the temperature was cool.
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