Villas Haizhu Qu

Villa in Haizhu Qu

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Popular Villas in Haizhu Qu

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Haizhu Qu
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Facts about Haizhu Qu

Popular Area
Haizhu Qu (AT)

Frequently asked questions

Where are the best areas to stay in Haizhu Qu?
The best areas to stay in Haizhu Qu are Huadu Qu, Zengcheng Shi, Conghua Shi

Guest Reviews from Villa in Haizhu Qu

390 reviews from villa in Haizhu Qu with aggregated rating of 8.3/10.
Review from various users that have stayed in Haizhu Qu will help you to choose the perfext villa easily!
Hardjanto S.
This is a private profile
/ 10
24 Jun 2024
Langham Place, Guangzhou
The quality of service and room are excellent.
Soeharto N.
This is a private profile
/ 10
25 Jun 2024
Rosedale Hotel and Suites Guangzhou
Good location, old style hotel, all equipment is from the ancient time, but I love this hotel. Not suitable for people who like new style furnishing. This hotel is my choice when traveling to Guangzhou.
Chandra I.
This is a private profile
/ 10
22 Oct 2019
Guangzhou Pearl River International Hotel
4g plus : good price, good location, good room, good services plus near canton fair.
This is a private profile
/ 10
19 Sep 2017
James Joyce Coffetel - Guangzhou Exhibition Center
A little far from metro many restaurants around
Priyanto S.
This is a private profile
/ 10
2 Apr 2019
Vertical City Hotel
Good location, roomy, and very helpful check in assistance. On the other hand, room service and room cleaning process very slow.
This is a private profile
/ 10
6 Mar 2019
Insail Hotels (Pazhou Exhibition Center KeCun Metro Station Liyin Square Branch Guangzhou)
Strategic location is the reason we chose this hotel. We are given a 9th Fl. room which is very huge, new, clean. We just needed to pay RMB 38 for this big upgrade. Hotel staffs are friendly and they helped me check if I left my bag in the room or lost it in taxi. I will surely recommend this hotel to any traveler who is going to visit Guangzhou. Towels are clean, aircon is so cold.'s freezing cold.
Fajar P. A.
This is a private profile
/ 10
9 Nov 2019
Guangzhou Royal Garden Hotel
Staffs are helpful eventhough they're not good in english, they're trying to give us their maximal performance services. Rooms was clean and pretty good for that price.
Jeanette Sariani
/ 10
6 Nov 2018
Pazhou Hotel
This hotel is very close to where I work at the Canton Fair, thank you.
Ivan Jaya
/ 10
8 Jun 2017
Silin Residence Poly World Trading Center
Great overall experience, slight lack of service and food opts are expected since it is a residence and I am on a business trip.

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