Villas Les Corts

Villa in Les Corts

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  2. Spain
    (1563 Villas)
  3. Catalonia
    (278 Villas)
  4. Barcelona
    (1 Villas)
  5. Les Corts

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Popular Villas in Les Corts

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Les Corts
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Frequently asked questions

Where are the best areas to stay in Les Corts?
The best areas to stay in Les Corts are Horta-Guinardó

Guest Reviews from Villa in Les Corts

31 reviews from villa in Les Corts with aggregated rating of 8.8/10.
Review from various users that have stayed in Les Corts will help you to choose the perfext villa easily!
Rudi H.
This is a private profile
/ 10
6 Jun 2023
Anis D. H.
This is a private profile
/ 10
8 Apr 2023
Aparthotel Atenea
Good hotel. Love it. I always stay here when I visiting Barcelona.
I Wayan V. S.
This is a private profile
/ 10
2 Oct 2023
Barcelona Pere Tarrés Hostel
Flagship hostel in Barcelona. Suitable for those who go together, although solo travelers are okay too. Safe and quite comfortable because there is a toilet and shower in each 8 bed room. The luggage storage box under the bunk bed is large enough to store a cabin-sized suitcase.
This is a private profile
/ 10
15 Apr 2018
Yellow Nest Hostel Barcelona
Clean mattresses, breakfast only adds 2.5 eurollocation close to the metro, so from the airport only one metro ride right up to (metro costs Nice voice, friendly staff and very helpful if asking anything Just walking and very close to the FC stadium Barcelona, ​​I think Less comfortable only if tudur and move, bed sounds, because besih, but so far still comfortable.
Dwi K.
This is a private profile
/ 10
14 Dec 2019
Catalonia Rigoletto Hotel
Nice hotel. Location is near from Barcelona Stadion, metro and supermarket.The Junior Suite room is very recommended because it is spacious with a living room. Smaller rooms do not provide electric kettle, but you can get free hot water in the bar. The front office is helpful and speaks English fluently

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