Hotel & Accommodation in Cinere

4 Stars Hotels in Cinere

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9+ Superb

Popular 4-Star Hotels in Cinere

Check out these memorable hotels and their recent reviews
3 properties found
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Primary image 1 The Margo Hotel, Cinere Hotels
Margonda, Depok
Fitness center
Wheelchair accessible
Tito Utoyo Namas Horo
Had a good experience staying at The Margo Hotel Depok. The room was big, clean and neat. All the amenities completed on the room, check in and check out process no longer than 5 minutes. And the breakfast was excellent. Thanks to the chef for the extraordinary service. I had my pouch egg perfectly cocked and I can say, it was 5 stars standard, I'm not expecting that good actually. Unfortunately, I had an issue with the TV cable, somehow the cable plugged and unplugged by itself. Definitely will be back soon.
Price around

₱ 3,710.24

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Price around

₱ 1,825.57

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メイン イメージ 1 TransitID, Cinere Hotels
Cimanggis, Depok
Price around

₱ 412.92

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More about Cinere

4-Star Hotels in Cinere: Comfortable Accommodations

Looking for comfortable accommodations in Cinere? 4-star hotels in this area offer a range of amenities and services, catering to various traveler needs.

Why Choose 4-Star Hotels in Cinere?

Staying at a 4-star hotel in Cinere provides several advantages:

  • Reliable amenities and services.
  • Comfortable rooms.
  • Convenient locations.

Accommodation Options

In Cinere, you can find a variety of 4-star hotel options, including:

  • -

For highly-rated choices, consider The Margo Hotel, Trans Park Cibubur Apartemen by Mitra Propertindo, TransitID, which boasts a 8.0-star rating from 1,841 reviews. Additional 4-star hotel options can be found in adjacent areas: Margonda, Sawangan, Cimanggis, Cipayung, Tapos, Cilodong, Beji, Sukmajaya, Bojongsari, Limo, Pancoran Mas.

Considerations for Booking

When booking a 4-star hotel in Cinere, consider the following:

  • Proximity to desired locations.
  • Availability of specific amenities.
  • Guest ratings and reviews.

Book Your 4-Star Hotel in Cinere

To find and book your ideal 4-star hotel in Cinere, visit

for a selection of options and booking services.

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Facts about hotel in Cinere

Popular Hotel
The Margo Hotel, Trans Park Cibubur Apartemen by Mitra Propertindo
Popular Landmark
Pangkalan Jati Golf Course, Politeknik Imigrasi

Frequently asked questions

Where are the best areas to stay in Cinere?
The best areas to stay in Cinere are Margonda, Sawangan, Cimanggis, Cipayung, Tapos, Cilodong, Beji, Sukmajaya, Bojongsari, Limo
What is the best 4 star hotels in Cinere?
The most popular hotels booked by tourists are The Margo Hotel, Trans Park Cibubur Apartemen by Mitra Propertindo, TransitID
What are the most popular landmarks in Cinere?
The most popular landmarks in Cinere are Pangkalan Jati Golf Course, Politeknik Imigrasi, Politeknik Tiara Bunda, Dian Didaktika Islamic Senior High School, cilobak raya
How many hotels are listed in Cinere?
Currently, there are around 3 hotels that you can book in Cinere

Guest reviews in hotel near Cinere

1,841 reviews from hotels in Cinere with aggregated rating of 8.0/10.
Review from various users that have stayed in hotel near Cinere will help you to choose the perfect hotel easily!
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/ 10
15 Sep 2024
Cinere Inn & Residence
No toothpaste in the bathroom, pliss fill this.
Hesky P.
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/ 10
27 Feb 2024
RedDoorz Syariah @ Cinere Depok
Bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad.
This is a private profile
/ 10
10 Apr 2024
RedLiving Apartemen Cinere Resort - Gold Room
Penginapan terburuk saya seumur hidup! Not recommended! Check in lama banget nunggu 30 menit, pelayanan ga ramah sama sekali, kamar mandi bau banget & shower nyalanya kecil + ga ada water heater, kasur jeblos dan berjamur jadi gatel ditidurin, sprei ga diganti (ada remah remahan makanan), handuk cuma 1 dan itupun juga BEKAS, kamar pengap dan bau, parkir bayar sendiri pake e-money/flazz sejam 5 ribu, dan peraturan parkir harus 24 jam, dibawah 24 jam dikenakan bayar 50 ribu sama oknum security yang jaga, kalau ga mau bayar KTP di tahan ga di balikin! Gila banget kapok! Ga berkah banget usaha kaya gini! Jangan percaya sama rating bagus, nipu banget!
Ratna R.
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/ 10
11 Mar 2025
Simple And Homey Studio Room At Cinere Resort Apartment
The AC is broken, it's really hot and it doesn't work and in my opinion that's quite crucial for a comfortable stay, the water drain in the bathroom also smells, please fix it
Elma P.
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/ 10
1 Feb 2022
Simple & Cozy Studio Apartment at Cinere Resort By Travelio
I am very comfortable staying here, the facilities are adequate and very clean. Besides that, access anywhere is good.
This is a private profile
/ 10
15 Aug 2019
Modern Furnished Studio Room Cinere Bellevue Suites Apartment
I paid it off but didn't get the hotel room.
Katharina Y.
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/ 10
10 Jun 2024
RedLiving Apartement Cinere Resort By YK rooms Tower Kintamani
Lupa foto saking udah MALESNYAA. DISCLAIMER untuk pihak app khususnya tim CS nya saya sgt amat berterima kasih krn sudah dibantu utk tersambung entah ke owner atau ke pihak calo dsb nya, jadi ini bad review bukan untuk service traveloka tapi apart nya. Bad experience dari awal karena saya tidak bisa menghubungi pihak apartemen? Owner? CALO? Dan tidak dihubungi duluan utk ketentuan check in spt apa. Saya dtg jam 1 (ketentuan check in jam 2 tapi bisa check in awal & nambah uang tdk jadi masalah) tapi pada akhirnya ternyata si receptionist apart ini punya kontak si calo yg mengurus kamar yg saya pesan (gak dari awal? Malah dr awal saya tanya malah suruh hubungi sendiri spt tidak mau tau). Akhirnya si calo antah berantah ini dateng jam setengah 3 (posisi saya buru buru krn ada acara pernikahan teman dekat & saya dan rekan lainnya menjadi bridesmaids). No attitude krn si calo ini tidak say sorry, malah menyalahkan entah siapa"gak tau tuh saya udh suruh ksh nomor saya biar langsung tp gak dikasih"! At least say sorry mas. Sampai depan kamar, tiba2 diminta uang deposit 250rb (agak kaget tp YAUDAH). MASUK-masuk kamarnya? Bau banget rokok. Ternyata putung rokok di mana-MANA. Selain di asbak, ada di wastafel, di tempat sampah. EH di tempat sampah malah ada kondom:) so dirty how can even saya ber 3 perempuan tidur di kamar super kotor dan jorok. Akhirnya memutuskan utk gak nginep, pulang malem aja after resepsi. Mandi di sana? Gak dulu jijik bgt. Gak sampe sini aja, udh dibilang mau check out jam 10 aja dia dateng telat hampir setengah 11? I did told him dari jam 8 loh. Lalu after mau serahin kunci, dia dgn entengnya bilang"nanti deposit nya ditransfer ya"NANTI? Gaada jaminan apa2 blg nanti. Harus diomelin dulu, disuruh tf dulu baru dilakukan. SICK. My very very worst experience. 🤢🤮👎 (foto apart di sini sama aslinya sgt berbeda.).
Havid E. P.
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/ 10
7 Oct 2021
Best Price and Cozy Studio Cinere Resort Apartment By Travelio
Overall according to the description for the place and also comfortable. It's just that to check out there was a misscom with the staff who will help check out. Check out schedule at 12.00. Around 10:00 I was contacted to save the access card in the mailbox. But no mailbox. And the staff who helped me to check out haven't contacted yet. So I had to leave my access card at exactly 12.00. Then hurry home. Once on the way home. The staff only contacted around 15:00. In the future I hope. It was clarified again which staff was responsible for the check-in/out process and also their contact info. I'm having trouble contacting the staff because I haven't got the contact info.

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