Baru kali ini booking hotel via app dapet yang separah ini. Langit2 bolong. Plagon lembab seperti bekas rembesan air. Kamar sangat kotor banyak sarang laba2. Bau apek kamarnya. Kasur juga bed covernya banyak noda. Sampai saya baru check in langsung check out karena tidak layak untuk tidur. Pelayanan resepsionis juga parah. Tidak ada minta maaf cuma senyum2 bilang oow iya mungkin lupa dibersihkan. What?! Cuma gitu aja. Sangat tidak layak you tuk ditawarkan di app. Semoga tidak ada yang mengalami seperti saya.
In apps there is AC, but we got no AC, TV old type not function, not comfort room so hot and no air circulation, hole from cigarettes on the bed. Its the bad bad hotel I ever try. Just check in in 03:00 and check out in 18:00 after find other place. My kid didn't want to inside the room said to creepy.
Very bad services especially the room are not suitable to stay. Bathrooms facilities not in good condition. Room also don't have ceiling fan. Don't have wardrobe.
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