The most popular landmarks in NUKCOFFEE are Hotel Santika Jemursari Surabaya, Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injili Indonesia, Waru sidoarjo, Tenggilis, SDN Kutisari I/268
How many hotels are listed in NUKCOFFEE?
Currently, there are around 200 hotels that you can book in NUKCOFFEE
Guest reviews hotel in NUKCOFFEE
25,991 reviews from hotels in NUKCOFFEE with aggregated rating of 8.5/10.
Review from various users that have stayed in hotel near NUKCOFFEE will help you to choose the perfect hotel easily!
The hotel floor outside is dusty both on the first floor and the top floor. The room is quite spacious enough for praying. Clean and the AC is cold. In my room the toilet smells, the toilet is broken, it looks like the repairs haven't been finished yet but my child's room is clean. Economical prices, near places to eat if you are hungry at night