The most popular landmarks in Bang Khen are Yaek Tiwanon, The Best Gym กระทรวงสาธารณสุข นนทบุรี, พันธุ์ทิพย์ งามวงศ์วาน, วัดบัวขวัญ พระอารามหลวง, Q Bioscience Co., Ltd
How many hotels are listed in Bang Khen?
Currently, there are around 86 hotels that you can book in Bang Khen
Guest reviews hotel in Bang Khen
4,221 reviews from hotels in Bang Khen with aggregated rating of 8.4/10.
Review from various users that have stayed in hotel near Bang Khen will help you to choose the perfect hotel easily!
The location is in an alley so it 's a bit hard to find. Small room but fully equipped. There are hot water dispenser and microwave in the hallway. Staff is very friendly and helpful.