What are the most popular landmarks in Cam Ly Parish Church ?
The most popular landmarks in Cam Ly Parish Church are JOYCE Boutique Coffee & Stay, Khu du lịch Fresh Garden Dalat, Cam Ly Waterfall , Ecotourism destinations Hoa Son Dien Trang, Trung tâm Lưu trữ Quốc gia IV
How many hotels are listed in Cam Ly Parish Church ?
Currently, there are around 200 hotels that you can book in Cam Ly Parish Church
Guest reviews in hotel near Cam Ly Parish Church
2,899 reviews from hotels in Cam Ly Parish Church with aggregated rating of 8.5/10.
Review from various users that have stayed in hotel near Cam Ly Parish Church will help you to choose the perfect hotel easily!
Quiet hostel I can deep slept. Staff helpful. But I don't know is regulation all dalat hostel is must keep the guest pasport? Because here the staff keep your pasport, and when I am go out, I request to take my passport and barter 1 million dong, after back to hostel they return my money and I give back passpor to staff.