Hotel & Accommodation in Central Klaten

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Facts about hotel in Central Klaten

Popular Landmark
Alun - Alun Klaten, Klaten Station

Frequently asked questions

Where are the best areas to stay in Central Klaten?
The best areas to stay in Central Klaten are Wonosari, Prambanan, Delanggu, South Klaten, North Klaten, Kalikotes, Pedan, Cawas, Jatinom, Ceper
What are the most popular landmarks in Central Klaten?
The most popular landmarks in Central Klaten are Alun - Alun Klaten, Klaten Station, Klaten Terminal, Trikoyo Stadium, Agen 3 Bintang Klaten Ono Travel

Guest reviews in hotel near Central Klaten

5,870 reviews from hotels in Central Klaten with aggregated rating of 8.2/10.
Review from various users that have stayed in hotel near Central Klaten will help you to choose the perfect hotel easily!
Dini a. s.
This is a private profile
/ 10
15 Jan 2025
Tjokro Hotel Klaten
Whenever I visit Klaten, my family choose Tjokro since the location is in the center of city, very affordable
This is a private profile
/ 10
25 Dec 2018
Edotel Klaten
Really spacious room, clean and easy access. Bathtub okay but shower is not fuction well. Overall it's really nice and soon will take my family to visit Klaten and stay in this hotel at least 2 days
Dhien K. W.
This is a private profile
/ 10
2 May 2019
Srikandi PKU Klaten
The food is bad for the range price. I hope they can do better in future
Novia S. A.
This is a private profile
/ 10
25 May 2022
Perdana Kasih Hotel Klaten
Does not match the description and photo, very bad.
Annisa V.
This is a private profile
/ 10
29 Apr 2024
Urbanview Syariah Loji Arum Stasiun Klaten by RedDoorz
It would be better if any ferigerator and steam boiler for water (cettle) And in bath room please take a rack for soap for anything some shower tools. More less is better for the class as well. Thankyou.
Sufi A.
This is a private profile
/ 10
2 Jun 2023
SPOT ON 2546 Griya Widya Syariah
Lodging that is very friendly in the pocket of facilities is okay at that price. The air conditioner is also cold, the room is clean.
Slamet R.
This is a private profile
/ 10
16 Feb 2025
Hotel Merak Indah
Staff ok. Cool clean comfortable.
Gandung A. K.
This is a private profile
/ 10
30 Dec 2024
Hotel Alami near Alun-Alun Klaten
Suitable for backpackers, comfort according to price
Ryan W.
This is a private profile
/ 10
17 Jan 2024
RedDoorz @ Klaten City
In overall good, only the room rate went sky high during the peak season.
Dwi L.
This is a private profile
/ 10
13 Oct 2024
RedDoorz Syariah near RS Soeradji Pemuda Klaten
Highly recommended, the place is clean, the staff is friendly and comfortable, the AC is cold, the bathroom is clean, next time I will stay there again.

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