Xperience/Filipina/Palawan/El Nido/New Ibajay/El Nido Tour A and C - 2 Days

El Nido Tour A and C - 2 Days

El Nido, Palawan, Philippines
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Jadwal Tur Paling Dekat | Sen, 01 Jul 2024
Durasi Tur | 2 Hari
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Berdasarkan 5 review

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El Nido
Mulai dari

Rp 661.450

Rp 726.152
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Pengalaman yang Menunggumu

Swim with various species of fish in the crystal clear waters of Entalula Island
Enjoy snorkeling and sea turtle spotting at Seven Commando Beach
See the famous helicopter-shaped island aptly named Helicopter Island that is also home to towering limestone cliffs and lush rainforests
Stop by the immaculate shrine on Matinloc Island

El Nido is world-famous for many reasons: amazing rock formations, untouched limestone cliffs, white sandy beaches, colorful coral reefs, and the clearest and bluest waters you’ll ever see. Discover its natural wonders on this 2-day / 1-night tour which will take you to spectacular lagoons, bays, beaches, and islands. Shimizu Island, Entalula, and Seven Commando Beach will be your stops on the first day of the trip, where you can snorkel, swim, sunbathe, and explore. The following day will start at Helicopter Island, where you’ll find towering limestone cliffs and lush rainforests just waiting to be discovered. Here, you can admire the ancient trees and rock formations, or spot different species of fish beneath the waters. Next up, check out the most popular “hidden” spots in El Nido, such as Secret Beach, Hidden Beach, Matinloc Shrine, and Tapiutan Strait, where you can trek up the cliffs, meditate at the shrine, lay on the beach, and just enjoy your time in paradise.

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Nguyen A.

Diulas 58 minggu lalu


Air jernih, bisa melihat banyak ikan dan karang. Namun pemandangan dan aktivitasnya sangat mirip sehingga Anda harus memiliki satu hari di antara kedua tur tersebut. Kami memesan dua hari berturut-turut dan itu cukup melelahkan.

Jadwal Tur

08:35-08:45 Pickup from accommodations within El Nido town proper
08:45-16:00 Tour A Proper
Visit Big Lagoon or Small Lagoon (optional)
Secret Lagoon
Explore Shimizu Island
Entalula Island
Seven Commando Beach
Return to accommodation
Note: (1) Accommodation is not included in this tour package. (2) Tour sequence is subject to change depending on the volume of visitors.

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Diulas 54 minggu lalu

Great tour with great food tasty

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Nguyen A.



Diulas 58 minggu lalu

Crystal clear water, can see a lot of fish and corals. But the scenes and activities are pretty similar so you should have a day between the two tours. We booked two consecutive days and it was quite tiring.

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rosiana a.



Diulas 65 minggu lalu

They are not punctual with time. like almost 1hr30 mins late. also the crew cant speak english only Kevin (tour guide) can speak English so its a bit hard. But they are very very nice i dont blame the boat crew i blame the owner because they are no punctual in time .

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Rohit N.



Diulas 110 minggu lalu

It was well organized and the organizer constantly kept me posted on updates. Even if I was on solo travel, the experience was great and I met new people along the way

1 orang merasa terbantu

Ryan Vincent Mauricio



Diulas 224 minggu lalu

Perfect trip for a solo traveler, lovers, family, and friends.

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El Nido, Palawan, Philippines
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Frequently Asked Questions

Berapa harga paket tour El Nido Tour A and C - 2 Days?
Harga paket tour untuk El Nido Tour A and C - 2 Days mulai dari Rp 661.450. Kunjungi halaman ini untuk melihat informasi lengkap mengenai harga El Nido Tour A and C - 2 Days.
Kapan tanggal yang tersedia untuk El Nido Tour A and C - 2 Days?
El Nido Tour A and C - 2 Days tersedia di tanggal 01 Jul 2024. Untuk informasi lebih lengkap mengenai ketersediaan tanggal dan durasi untuk event tersebut, silahkan kunjungi halaman ini.
Berapa lama durasi El Nido Tour A and C - 2 Days?
Durasi tour El Nido Tour A and C - 2 Days adalah 2 Hari. Untuk informasi lebih lengkap mengenai ketersediaan tanggal dan durasi untuk event tersebut, silahkan kunjungi halaman ini.