Xperience/Taiwan/Southern Taiwan/Kaohsiung/Niaosong/Qipao Experience by Kaohsiung VAVAVOOM

Qipao Experience by Kaohsiung VAVAVOOM

VAVAVOOM Kaohsiung Yuanshan S-2 Cheongsam Experience
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Rp 398.760

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Who said that the Grand Hotel Kaohsiung can only be used for accommodation? Come and experience the VAVAVOOM cheongsam dress
VAVAVOOM cooperated with The Grand Hotel Kaohsiung for the first time, the only palace-style building in southern Taiwan, a cheongsam experience that perfectly blends retro and fashion
The European-style swimming pool is a must-see for online beauty, combining western style with oriental classical beauty, let’s take a journey of childhood memories
Explore the glorious history of the Grand Hotel Kaohsiung, wear a cheongsam and enjoy a classical afternoon tea at the Grand Hotel Kaohsiung, bring family, friends, and girlfriends, a memory attraction that must be experienced in this life

The only palace-style building in southern Taiwan, a perfect fusion of retro and fashionable cheongsam experience

Explore the glorious history of the Grand Hotel Kaohsiung and experience a different retro fashion at the Grand Hotel

The European-style swimming pool is a must-shoot online beauty, combining western style and oriental classical beauty, let’s take a journey of childhood memories

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VAVAVOOM Kaohsiung Yuanshan S-2 Cheongsam Experience
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Frequently Asked Questions

Berapa harga tiket Qipao Experience by Kaohsiung VAVAVOOM?
Harga tiket untuk Qipao Experience by Kaohsiung VAVAVOOM mulai dari Rp 398.760. Kunjungi halaman ini Qipao Experience by Kaohsiung VAVAVOOM untuk melihat informasi lengkap mengenai harga Qipao Experience by Kaohsiung VAVAVOOM.
Dimana detail lokasi Qipao Experience by Kaohsiung VAVAVOOM?
Detail lokasi Qipao Experience by Kaohsiung VAVAVOOM berada di VAVAVOOM Kaohsiung Yuanshan S-2 Cheongsam Experience. Kunjungi halaman ini Qipao Experience by Kaohsiung VAVAVOOM untuk panduan cara menuju ke Qipao Experience by Kaohsiung VAVAVOOM.
Apa saja tempat serupa seperti Qipao Experience by Kaohsiung VAVAVOOM yang bisa ditemukan di Kaohsiung City?

Informasi Umum

Harga Tiket
Mulai dari Rp 398.760.
VAVAVOOM Kaohsiung Yuanshan S-2 Cheongsam Experience.
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